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11/29/2021 10:48:06 AM
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11/29/2021 10:45:49 AM
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General Development Utilities, Inc. Water and Sewer Franchise
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shall be the only area set forth, defined and provided by the Board <br />and the provision of this franchise shall not extend beyond the limits <br />of the area so restricted and defined. <br />b. The Company shall not be required to furnish, supply, in- <br />stall and make available its public water system or its public cower <br />systom or both to any person within the territory an hereinbefore set <br />forth, unless the same may be done at such a cost to the Company as <br />shall make the addition proposed, financially and physically feasible. <br />Fth ancially feasible shall mean that with a fair and reasonable rate <br />to be charged by the Company for all its services under this franchise. <br />That such rate will produce to the Company a=, sufficlont to meat, <br />all necessary costs of the services, lncluding a fair tato of return <br />on the net valuation of its property devoted theroto, under eft'icient <br />and economtcal management. aFie burden of showing that a,prospoctive <br />service to the area is not financially feasible shall be the burden <br />Of tho Company, <br />9gC'fI till 1 <br />The Company shall not sell or tran,,irer its plant or system to <br />another nor transror any riphta under this franchtse to anoti-or without <br />the approval of the Board and provided, further, that no such sale or <br />transfer after such approval #hall be effective until the vondoe, <br />assig;noe or loasoo hers .filed with the Board an instrrmsant in writing <br />reciting, the fact or such transfer and accepting the terms of this <br />franchise and afreoing to perform all or the conditions thereof. In <br />any event this franchise shall not be transferrable and assignable <br />until notice or request for transfer and asaigr't ont shall be given by <br />the Company to the Foard in writini*, accompanied by a request from the <br />proposod transf@roe;, which application shall contain Information con- <br />cerning the financial status and oth4r qualificrttlons of th© proposed <br />transferee and such other information as the Foard may require. A <br />public hearing shall be held on such request of which notice shall be <br />given by publtcation in a newspaper regularly published in the County <br />at lease one time not more than one month nor less than one wook pro- <br />ceeding such hoarinp. Certified proof of publication of such notice <br />shall be filed with the Hoard. Said honring may thereafter be continued <br />from time to time as determined by the P,oard, `.Cite Hoard will, however, <br />approve or disapprove said sale or transfer within ninety {qp} days <br />from the date of said public hearing. The consent by the Poard to any <br />assignment of this franchise shall not unreasonably be withhold. <br />-7- <br />
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