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40 <br />June 20, 1961 <br />RECOMMENDATIONS TO COUNTY COMM SSI()N1'.'RS <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />FLORIDA <br />UNDER A LAW PASSED HY 1 071 MTU' I 9 OF 111E STATE I,XGI'11JITUAr IN <br />TALLATIASSIE DURING THE L.AsT SPSSION, AND WAICH 11A.13 NOIT", 11ECONE <br />LAW, EMPOWNRING THE 11OARV (IF COUNTY ( )IMIsSIONERs, INDIAN RIVER, <br />PILWAO IDA, TO RE(AILATE, 0,STRICT, LIMIT AND CONTROL THE OPLRATION <br />Of MOTOR VF117C1,E,9 UTION T11E VUBLIC F)EACIIES (IF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY. <br />FROM May I to Octobor I - no victor traffic to be permitted between tho <br />hours of 7'100 P.M. and 7100 A.M., nil other hours excluded. Inlis 00YOrs <br />the period designated for the taping of turtles and the disturbing and <br />molesting of their nests. 71iis would be of great assistance to Our <br />conservation department in Choir efforts to prevent violations. <br />PROM October I to May 1 - no motor traffic to be permitted between the <br />hours of 10:00 P.M. and 7100 A.M, Thin recommendation is for the nur- <br />poso of preventing and discouraping the broaking in and entering of <br />rosidenoes wbiob occurs more ofton during thomo hours. <br />SPhYD limit at all hours not; to ox000d 23 miles per hour, so as to our - <br />tail danger to children and :people using ttio benct, facilities, as well <br />as for the solf protoution and sal*oty for these using motor transporta- <br />tion on the County beaches. <br />PLACE signs at north nod south county lines carrying the restrictions <br />and regulations and outlino thereon t1io finers and ponalties for any <br />violation. <br />RECOMMEND to county 4horiff t1jo cloputi%ing of certain citizens and <br />proporty owners to bo of assistsrioo in the OnrOrt]OmOnt of the regula- <br />tions. <br />BY act of the government of tho Uity of Vora Boach, its citizens have <br />bOOn 0!iV011 Protection and ootisidorntion within tbo city limits. The <br />citizens and property owners within the limits of the county feel they <br />are also entitled to the T)rotectinn And oonsidorntion as outlined above. <br />IT IS 110)lri) THAT PAALY ACTION WILL HE TAKEN, <br />