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EXHIBIT A <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY NONPROFIT / QUASI AGENCY REQUEST FOR FUNDING <br />A. Program Cover Page <br />Agency: 211 Palm Beachrrreasure Coast Telephone: 561-383-2170 <br />Contact Person: Alix Allison Fax: 561-547-8639 <br />Title: Grants and Compliance Manager E -Mail: alix.allison(a� <br />Address: P.O. Box 3588 Lantana, FL 33465- <br />3588 <br />Website Address: www. 211 treasurecoast.orq <br />Program Title: 211 HelpLine <br />I Agree - By checking the "I Agree" box and entering your name below, you certify that information contained in this <br />application accurately reflects the activities of this agency and that the expenditures or portions thereof for which County <br />funds are being requested are not reimbursed by any other source. <br />Name: Alix Allison Title: Grants and Compliance <br />Manager <br />:sneT aescnption OT the Program for wnicn tunding is requested: <br />The 211 HelpLine is the only existing 24/7, completely free and confidential community helpline and crisis hotline that <br />serves the residents of Indian River County by providing information, resources, and emotional support, including crisis <br />intervention and suicide prevention services. It can be overwhelming for individuals to navigate the complex network of <br />health and human services programs and to know where they can turn for help, especially when they are experiencing a <br />crisis. By reaching out to 211, these individuals can instantly be connected to one of our highly trained Resource Center <br />Specialists, who are able to use their active listening skills to identify the individual's immediate needs and link them to <br />appropriate sources of assistance. For those who are in extreme distress, even to the point of suicidal ideation, 211 offers <br />support in the form of a non -judgmental, listening ear from someone who cares to help de-escalate their current crisis <br />situation. During times of disaster, like the current COVID-19 pandemic, the 211 HelpLine acts as a central hub of all <br />disaster -related information and resources to keep members of our community safe and informed. All of these services <br />are available to any resident of Indian River County, regardless of their age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, <br />socioeconomic status, etc. Additionally, these crucial services are easily accessible over multiple platforms including via <br />phone, text, email, chat, and independent searches through our online database of resources. Any time of the day or <br />night, the 211 HelpLine is here to support the residents of Indian River County through every crisis that they are facing, <br />often being a caring voice that can save lives. <br />summary Keport <br />Amount requested from Indian River County for 2021/2022: <br />Total Proposed Program budget for 202112022: <br />Percent of total Program budget: <br />Current Funding (2020/2021) <br />Dollar increase / (decrease) in request: <br />Percent increase / decrease in request: <br />If request increased 5% or more, briefly explain why: <br />N/A <br />We are requestinq a modest 2% increase. <br />$10,855 <br />$570,900 <br />1.9% <br />$10,642 <br />$213.00 <br />2% <br />The Organization's Board of Directors has approved this application on (date): 05/17/2021 <br />Name of President/Chair of the Board <br />Name of Exec. Director/CEO: <br />Ty Barnes <br />Sharon L'Herrou <br />EXHIBIT A <br />