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EXHIBIT A <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY NONPROFIT / QUASI AGENCY REQUEST FOR FUNDING <br />A. Program Cover Page <br />Agency: Gifford Youth Achievement Center, Telephone: (772) 794-1005 <br />Inc. <br />Contact Person: Angelia Perry Fax: (772) 569-5563 <br />Title: Executive Director E -Mail: aperrV(a-) <br />Address: 4875 43RD AVE, Vero Beach, FL <br />32967 <br />Website Address: <br />Program Title: GYAC Operations <br />I Agree - By checking the "I Agree" box and entering your name below, you certify that information <br />contained <br />in this application accurately reflects the activities of this agency and that the expenditures or portions <br />thereof for <br />which County funds are being requested are not reimbursed by any other source. <br />Name: Angelia Perry Title: Executive Director <br />brleT aescrimion OT the rrogram Tor wnicn Tunalna is reauestea: <br />The Gifford Youth Achievement Center (GYAC) is requesting funds to provide a variety of services to youth <br />and adults. Funds will be used to provide various educational, recreational, social and cultural activities. <br />GYAC houses classrooms, a public library, a gymnasium, and computer labs. GYAC offers programs and <br />activities to include homework assistance, reading enrichment, senior citizen activities, tutoring, and <br />community activities. GYAC believes that these activities enhance the lives of youth and adults, and improves <br />their quality of life. <br />tsummary Ke ort <br />Amount requested from Indian River County for 2021/2022: $103,000 <br />Total Proposed Program budget for 2021/2022: $813,617 <br />Percent of total Program budget: 12.66% <br />Current Funding (2020/2021) $99,601 <br />Dollar increase / (decrease) in request: $3,399.00 <br />Percent increase / decrease in request: 3.41 % <br />f request increased 5% or more, briefly explain why: <br />The Organization's Board of Directors has approved this application on (date): 04/22/2021 <br />Name of President/Chair of the Board: Deborah Taylor -Long <br />Name of Exec. Director/CEO: Angelia Perry <br />EXHIBIT A <br />