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EXHIBIT A <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY NONPROFIT / QUASI AGENCY REQUEST FOR FUNDING <br />A. Program Cover Page <br />Agency: Mental Health Association in Indian <br />River County <br />Contact Person: Philip Cromer <br />Telephone: 7725699788 <br />Fax: 772-569-2088 <br />Title: Chief Executive Officer E -Mail: philip(a-)-mhairc.or <br />Address: 820 37th Place <br />Website Address: <br />Program Title: MHA Walk -In & Counseling Center <br />I Agree - By checking the "I Agree" box and entering your name below, you certify that information <br />contained in this application accurately reflects the activities of this agency and that the expenditures or <br />portions thereof for which County funds are being requested are not reimbursed by any other source. <br />Name: Philip Cromer Title: Chief Executive Officer <br />tsneT aescnption OT the vrogram Tor wrncn Tunaing is requestea: <br />Requested county funding supports the crucial mental health services for Indian River County residents at <br />our Walk -In & Counseling Center (WICC). The program provides same-day, walk-in services to preserve the <br />safety of self/others and to provide immediate and ongoing access to needed mental health services. The <br />WICC gives same-day mental health screening and crisis intervention services to meet urgent emotional and <br />behavioral health needs as well as affordable, ongoing (by appointment) mental health services for low- <br />income, uninsured community members. Our continuum of care includes walk-in mental health screening; <br />crisis intervention; resource consultations; information/referral; and case management for immediate needs <br />and scheduled individual, group, and family therapy; case management; wellness classes; support groups; <br />youth prevention programming; and adult psychiatry. WICC is the only mental health agency in the county <br />where Indian River County residents of all ages can receive immediate access to outpatient mental health <br />assistance and crisis intervention. We also provide by appointment mental health treatment on a sliding fee <br />schedule for those who have no insurance, are 300% or below the poverty level, and cannot qualify for Indian <br />River Hospital District Funding for the indigent. We have a medication assistance program for our indigent <br />psychiatric clients to receive free needed psychotropic medications which they cannot afford otherwise. We <br />also link MHA psychiatric clients to medication assistance programs through pharmaceutical companies. <br />Additional no charge services we provide to the Indian River community are a monthly virtual Mood and <br />Anxiety Support group, a weekly support group for veterans, case management services, and completion of <br />support applications as FL Access site. Care is provided Monday - Friday from 8:30 am- 5:30 pm at our Walk - <br />In & Counseling Center located at 820 37th Place, Vero Beach, FL 32960. Public transportation is accessible <br />to the center. Throughout the COVID19 pandemic, our WICC remained open for both walk-in and scheduled <br />visits to maintain our commitment to prevent avoidable harm and meet the community's need for quality <br />mental health care. We also offer telehealth. <br />Summary Keport <br />Amount requested from Indian River County for 2021/2022: 27,500.00 <br />Total Proposed Program budget for 2021/2022: 1,831,530.62 <br />Percent of total Program budget: 1.5% <br />Current Funding (2020/2021) 23,843.00 <br />Dollar increase / (decrease) in request: $3,657.00 <br />Percent increase / decrease in request: 15.34% <br />EXHIBIT A <br />