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Sebastian River Area Chamber of Commerce
Tourism Function for Sebastian River Area Chamber of Commerce Indian River County Grant Contract
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EXHIBITA <br />A. Program Cover Page <br />Sebastian River Area Chamber of <br />Agency: Commerce & Pelican Porch Visitor's Telephone: 772-589-5969 <br />Center <br />Contact Person: Joel Stout / Theresa Tolle Fax: 772-589-5993 <br />Title: Chair of Board E -Mail: loelastout61(d� <br />Address: 700 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 <br />Website Address: <br />Tourist Development Council Funding <br />Program Title: for the Pelican Porch Visitor's Center <br />and Tourism Marketing & Promotion <br />I Agree - By checking the "I Agree" box and entering your name below, you certify that information <br />contained in this application accurately reflects the activities of this agency and that the expenditures or <br />portions thereof for which County funds are being requested are not reimbursed by any other source. <br />Name: Joel Stout Title: Interim President/ CEO <br />Brief description oT the Program Tor wnicn Tunaing is re uestea: <br />The Sebastian River Area Chamber of Commerce & Pelican Porch Visitor's Center is designated as one of <br />the County's Tourist Bureau Partners. Our Chamber is a Visitor's Center for the northern part of Indian <br />River County, as well as a designated Visitor's Center on the Indian River Lagoon National Scenic Byway <br />and a VISIT FLORIDA Certified Visitor Information Center. We welcome over 10,000 visitors a year into our <br />Visitor's Center and assist them with suggestions on things to see and do while vacationing in our area. In <br />addition to providing visitor services once visitors arrive at our area, we also market our destination to <br />attract potential visitors to the Sebastian River Area by promoting our natural and recreational resources <br />that make our area so unique. We produce promotional videos, digital, print, social media, email, and <br />retargeting campaigns to reach our target audiences while working collaboratively with and on behalf of our <br />tourism partners to put heads on beds. <br />Our 2021/2022 plan is to continue to operate the Pelican Porch Visitor's Center, promote eco -tourism, <br />fishing, festivals, and in-state travel during the months of May -September by encouraging visitors to set <br />their sights on summer travel. Our main audience segmentation will include adventure seekers, experience <br />seekers, and last-minute getaways. <br />Our 2021/2022 plans also include continuing to promote our destination in anticipation of travel trends <br />having an upward trend once the Covid-19 crisis comes to an end. Our focus will be to assure visitors that <br />the Sebastian River Area is alive and well and that we are here to welcome them when the time is right. <br />Visitors need to know that our sense of community has not changed and that our beautiful eco -tourism is <br />waiting to be explored. We plan to promote the local businesses that have felt the greatest financial impact <br />of the pandemic and to help tourism partners recoup lost revenue during what should have been their peak <br />season. We plan to reschedule some tourism -related events (pending availability) following a timeline <br />provided by local state and federal directives. <br />zz <br />EXHIBIT A <br />
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