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EXHIBIT A <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY NONPROFIT / QUASI AGENCY REQUEST FOR FUNDING <br />A. Program Cover Page <br />Agency: United Against Poverty, Inc <br />Contact Person: George Cooper <br />Title: Development Director <br />Address: 1400 27th St. Vero Beach, FL <br />32960 <br />Website <br />Address: <br />Program Title: UP Education Program <br />Telephone <br />Fax: <br />772-770-0740 <br />E -Mail: gcooper( <br />I Agree - By checking the "I Agree" box and entering your name below, you certify that information <br />contained in this application accurately reflects the activities of this agency and that the expenditures or <br />portions thereof for which County funds are being requested are not reimbursed by any other source. <br />Name: George Cooper Title: Development Director <br />bneT aescriDtion OT ine rroaram Tor wnicn Tunalna is reauestea: <br />United Against Poverty, Inc. (UP) Indian River County is requesting funding for the Education Program. <br />The Education Program of United Against Poverty in Indian River County is one of the four key programs <br />The core programs of United Against Poverty that are designed to inspire and empower people living in <br />poverty to lift themselves and their families to economic self-sufficiency. They include Crisis Stabilization <br />(CSP), Member Share Grocery Program (MSGP), and Education Program and the Success Training <br />Employment Program (STEP). <br />UP aims to host 50 workshops through our Education Program in 2021. During the pandemic of 2020 UP <br />was unable to host workshops. We know how valuable our workshops are to the community, creating <br />pathways for lifelong learners. Our workshops are led by nonprofit partners, businesses, and community <br />leaders on a wide variety of topics such as nutrition, financial literacy, parenting, wellness, language, and <br />computer skills. We believe that the greatest gift you can give a child is an empowered parent. An <br />empowered parent can change the trajectory of their own life, and in doing so, change the trajectory of their <br />child's. <br />The Level UP program is an element of both our Workforce Development and Education Programs <br />designed to engage individuals with barriers to employment. Barriers include no work history, criminal <br />background and/or mental health issues. Level UP is a two-day workshop that is provided for two half days <br />prior to the STEP Program where participants will be provided the tools to successfully complete job <br />searches and job interviews with the goal of full-time employment. Workshop participants will also receive <br />information needed to be productive citizens, become community leaders, reduce the recidivism rate, or re - <br />offend, and ultimately, lift themselves and their families out of poverty. <br />The Additional Programs at United Against Poverty in Indian River County are also designed are designed <br />to inspire and empower people living in poverty to lift themselves and their families to economic self- <br />sufficiency. These include Crisis Stabilization (CSP), Member Share Grocery Program (MSGP), and the <br />Success Training Employment Program (STEP). <br />Crisis Stabilization Program — this core program provides those in emergency situations with resources to <br />address their immediate need, works to identify the chronic underlying issues, and provide long-term <br />support to address them through a case management model. <br />Member Share Grocery Program (MSGP) — MSGP is a dignified food and household assistance program <br />where income -qualified members can personally select the food, hygiene, and household items their family <br />needs. Membership is free and available to households that fall at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty <br />Level. Members contribute a small handling fee per item to help offset fuel, freight, warehouse, and <br />overhead costs, which allow the MSGP to be self -sustainable. This meaningful exchange is part of our <br />Hand UP model that is designed to restore dignity and teach empowerment rather than entitlement. <br />Families may visit as often as they like, retaining up to 70% of their household food and product budget. <br />EXHIBIT A <br />