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Colliers International Florida, LLC
Real Estate Broker Services Agreement, award of RFP 2021011
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SECTION V COMPENSATION <br />The total amount to be paid by the County to the Broker shall be strictly limited to a fee based on an <br />agreed upon commission rate of 4 % of the Purchase Price or Rental Rate of the property (the "Broker <br />Fee"). It is expressly understood by the Broker that Broker is entitled to receive compensation under this <br />Agreement only in the event the Broker is the procuring agent of the buyer or tenant of the property <br />and the real estate transaction between the County and the buyer or tenant is fully consummated. <br />Payment of the Broker Fee will be disbursed in full at the closing of the sale or lease of the property. <br />The Broker shall not be paid additional compensation for any loss, and/or damage arising out of the <br />nature of the work, from the action of the elements, or from any delay or unforeseen obstruction or <br />difficulties encountered in the prosecution of the work, or for any expenses incurred by or in <br />consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of the work. <br />The Broker shall not be paid any compensation what so ever for a sale or lease of the property to any <br />current interested parties that were either not found by the Broker or have contacted the County <br />directly without using the services of the Broker. Therefore, the Broker will not be entitled to receive <br />any commission or portion of the Broker Fee in the event the County closes a real estate transaction <br />with a purchaser or lessee that was not found, produced or procured by the Broker. The Broker is not <br />entitled for any additional payment except for the Broker Fee stated above for all services provided <br />under this Agreement. <br />However, the Broker shall be entitled to receive payment of the Broker Fee if a sale or lease of the <br />property is made within three (3) months after the termination or expiration of this Agreement to a <br />party that was found by the Broker and entered into a Letter of Intent to purchase with the County as a <br />client during the Agreement term, and any extensions thereof. <br />No additional payments will be made over and above the agreed upon commission rate to any Broker <br />/ Agent for any reason and no payment will be made or due if the property is not sold during the <br />Agreement period, except as may be provided above. <br />Taxes. Vendor is responsible for all federal, state, and local taxes and other charges related to the <br />performance of this Agreement. <br />SECTION VI WORK CHANGES <br />The County reserves the right to order work changes in the nature of additions, deletions or <br />modifications without invalidating the Agreement, and agrees to make corresponding adjustments in <br />the Agreement price and time for completion. Any and all changes must be authorized by a written <br />change order signed by the County's Purchasing Agent or his designee as representing the County. Work <br />shall be changed and the Agreement price and completion time shall be modified only as set out in the <br />written change order. Any adjustment in the Agreement price resulting in a credit or a charge to the <br />County shall be determined by mutual agreement of the parties before starting the work involved in the <br />change. <br />SECTION VII CONFORMANCE WITH PROPOSAL <br />
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