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The County Attorney reported that: the Harrison Jones suit had been <br />revived and that it could take several more months to bring it to a close. <br />The Chairman presented a Resolution from the Central and Southern <br />Florida Flood Control District Hoard. Upon Motion made by Commissioner <br />Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Macdonald, and unanimously carried, the <br />Resolution was adopted as follows: <br />RESOLUTION <br />WHEREAS Indian River County is considered a part of Central <br />and Southern Florida Flood Control District, and <br />WHEREAS Indian River County has been paying taxes assessed <br />by the District for many years, and <br />WHEREAS no construction work has been started on the Flood <br />Control Project in Indian River County by the Flood Control District, and <br />WHEREAS the Flood Control District and the Corps of Engineers <br />have completed several plans of improvement for the Upper St. Johns <br />River Basin and specifically in Indian River County, and <br />WHEREAS the most recent plan has been completed by the Corps <br />of Engineers and submitted to higher authority for approval, and <br />WHEREAS the Flood Control District must also approve or <br />disapprove this plan before any work can be programed, and <br />WHEREAS we believe that construction of certain works of the <br />project on a priority basis woald prove most beneficial to Indian River <br />County, <br />