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nage )In. to tee SO.Ilimat e N North ane N the Southeast qurt <br />aer' <br />At <br />Section 1, Township n South,: N the Southeast quarter N Seellln <br />Aa., N Evat; Meme Wen along 38. Townahlp 33 South. Range 39 itan conarlsr N me pray <br />Our ns <br />ealelon of the South line M East. b the Saulheaat corner of tA( 4r M Aenbn 8g, Tow'tu)rW y eoutIt <br />get,- 1, Toanshp 33 South. Range West NSA acres of tM East 30. Raw 30 Eaat: them Saws, tie... <br />39 a 14 10,1su ctbn .in the ares of said V.dlw II toaster of wen Rae M me wen 1D.m acro. M <br />large le. dividing Ranges 3S Mo. the Soumead gnrler off SdrVm, Ail, W Ran 30,16111 arae M the H. -mat <br />and 36 East: thence Northerly along them North along Ne EaM "a" "0.""M the "Ms. t "ostial M <br />•aid range It,, to the To mu, line of the eaid 10.58 aeras of the Eoni RWgloa An. to lir. Myth Itm M the <br />dividing TI -int p 31 South ,it 23 '30Ds at- N we Northeast peace, Southeast quarter of me Southeast <br />j South; thence West along raid at the SWutb<Aet ga-41 of SMUG- quarter If SeeUOR 13, Township As <br />T.....n line to the South, I Ma. 38, to the South right of way UDs South. Range 3, Enol; therm West) <br />ne,oI Sertfon 31. Too 'V 31 M the County Road (South G111"Aad a Este Northwest comer amh3 <br />a COUNTY COMMINNEA'S <br />S -m. Range . East: mento run RIadl; thence West alone the SOwth S.l- gaarter I the Sallowest D1{TRICT NO, 8 <br />North to me Northwest corner It kind of said County Road 4 the o.untar geagaa ToL Ek ip <br />Towrnshtp 31 -h,, Range 3T F,aea qM <br />I: West line N me West 10.58 Arran >a South, R•rrge 3B Zonis, a- Hagm It ehe etemadando M the <br />:Rd being the Norm boundary Into el the East = sit acres of the Norm• run South ab moa b the Slum• there line of the Atlantic Ocean end <br />of Indian Atver COonty: thencesun eaat nos of the E"Oh, at quer- wut .arae M the N°rtheW quar, the Basin line t Government Lot <br />NnS and foilewlog the Norm ter of Section es. TOa ArIP I3 South, tee M the S.mawet quarYr, M San, 1. Sectio 39. 'nWnaW 32 South, <br />. boundary Rae M Ind— H­Coun- Aar& W East; thence South on tine 33, TbwrrWp Ad South, Aarr,e HMO 0 East; themes, 'VM along <br />so. 4 an Enledy dlrartlen, to the mid %Vest Ilse M the Wen 10.56 Is Ent: mance run East "-ad the It saw Goyemment <br />• Pm0' whets such boundary Iuh, Arras N Este East 30.58 acres of the rose t° me Northwest corner M the tot L end along the North Imo M <br />bier -1. the Atlantic, Orean -a Norin.nI gMr1,r of me Southeast Soothent tuaner'ot lne S:ruMesst Oevernmenl F.It 1, tbatbh 30. Towm <br />whim bel. IA the Northeast corner quarlcr or Seed.. 3B, to Ike North quan<r It the said SAOUn m; •hip A9 South, Range an East, m IM <br />Of In Alan River County; lhenre run It. of the S°ulbcnsl quarter N the; thence M. South Inequar{n mite. East chore of the Dist Alvei: <br />- m A SoulAarly and Southeasterly tll• Snumend quarter of Secllun U : co or iso. to the North right of Inence Southerly eleng me Ent <br />e hsn along and foilewe{ the T°e'nanp 33 South. Ranee 3B East: wry Ips of Walker Avenue which •bore N the India. River to the <br />East boundary lin! of Indian River Inence West to the Northwest teal Ia A County read north the South Worm line M Govmnrnent Lot 3, <br />. County to the point of bi,Innine• Icer M the Southeast quarter of th'i sum of S_'.n 33: lheotw ren Rut See- 30, Township Fa South. <br />�SvuthWen quarter of S.imn 38. alorp the North right of way line Range 00 Elid; theme wen .long <br />COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S �Twnahip a3 Sloth. Range 39 Eaat, of Walker Avenue to the Ent lone Nnrtn %the M s"b';_"menl W <br />[ theme star Suuln or mite to lh- M the Lbunty fload right of way 3 to he renter o[ the Nevlgatlon <br />DISTRICT NO. 3 1 corner 1e a Channel M the Union River t-ist. <br />... at the huce Ilion M the So°tnwest c lr the Northeast Itary me East aldeoil ba u diSeo Ing Iatneoas4i Waterway prior b <br />shun• Imo of ml, Atlantic O,ean and �nedior of the 7 --hip <br />31 Sor o[ then a t- South Meng 19111: tnemr Southerly Along the <br />• /M North byre N C.wernment Lot ',aelum 33. Trm'nahlP l^ South. the East tore Mme nb C ..I centerline M said Ifto g.tion Chon• <br />no"" Aa East: In <br />run Vast <br />road right of way to the Main CION <br />L Sa•atron 38, TOwnshry >Z South. I, net le the Ran and West een4n <br />• flans, 40 East; Inence winalongnr•naif mut la the Nathwcst col- vl me Indian River Forma D[ah.S. <br />n r If the Southeast quarter of the District; theme .sitnufn8 Snum line M S.11n ou. To Mlp a <br />int 1. Rod <br />N Me Gurur=cntl Southeast gMrtrr of the said Sar- along the Ent Itne of FOny Third <br />9vuth. Range 39 Ean; thence Wen! <br />• <br />lint <br />1, d tong the NOrth Imo M tion 33: then. nm South *n uar• Avenue to the centerline nt Stab .1- the said East add Weft e <br />:ud G,warmment Iqt 1, and sloth' Esti mil°, more or less, to the North Road tp; Enlace weal slung sol" terrine of Section M and the Eanl <br />• Iba Nurin 11rra of Govcnlnmenl Wt 1.1 and Weat r,reterllne of Scrtlon 33. <br />right of way line of Walker Avenue eenterhat b the as", line divldW <br />6•rlan <br />W. TwasnrD 32 Suum. which Ia A County road alone the Ranges 3$ East and W East; inentt Township 33 S°°m• Range 3B Ean, <br />• Range b East. a the East snore Ilia lI Ike Northwest corner o1 Govern• <br />the Indian lover: tnenre A,.tnedSouth iiia M Section W; theme South along said <br />Range lie's to U.meat Lot 1. S.11On Z. Town NIP <br />• along in,- Fast share net the Indian! a long the Nonh eight r Nvrinwest corn o! Section IB,! <br />as' lire It µ'alk.•[ Avenue to the TwnldP 33 Aopth, Range 36 End; Uuth, flange 39 t,, mence Sou I <br />River to me Norlb lire ul Gnverol long tAe West Ilne N Government <br />. mr:nt lout A, Fv,oul 8n, 't'owrnnlPl F.:rst mw of the (-nuntY Rnd right the en East along the ealenion o: y�4 3 ontl e M Section 21 and me <br />W a':Iy along In East aide M Int 'the North line ur Section IB, Town- <br />:' F""t Range M; fAenee' Feet one.quarler of Sootiest 3s,' <br />taw Section 33; Ihentt run South Ishils W South, Range 38 Ean b Me <br />. West ulalR the North line N ntd) To Y[ South, Rorngp 3B Ead'; <br />aim,, the East ono n1 one tab INonhent corrwr M archon 31, <br />• the H.nwnt lad 8 to the renter MI hwnv Road rlRw M t° the ' to thc, South right of way lou' <br />ay lbwnhiD 31 Range >0 Eul: <br />Inc NavlRalvm (:hannel Mme Ian Marne Coral M Ino bndran River et the main Carol of In. Indian <br />• d4n Rn (raison; Mt -..I Iheuce Nonh Along me Rangt ba RNer Farms I)II-ge District; <br />Tarn. Dralnug, District; UWne dividing Ranges 38 East and 8 <br />Waterway Pnnr to 18591: lhemt menet! West Non, the South right <br />• Sadherty mon" hw .nt<rlim Of l...hnue South ato.$ the ERA Rn East to Its Intersection with the of way line If the Maw Conal to a <br />ur Furry -third Avenue to the c"trry Eeet West rentaline of Secllnn T, <br />said N.arighllnn C'ha Channel b, me East point due South of Ina East Ilne M <br />onto Weat centrrUne M Section >0, ;tine of Slate flood 60; Unemw Wind 'TO" hip M South. Range 39 East: A. D. Corner's Subdivision In ins <br />T°a'nahlp . South, Range IS East: a M said con _Uo N State Rvad three ren East along int East. Northeast quarter of the Southeast <br />(Mare Wait .sting the Mb EadfM io 14 iners.11orl with the ex- West eenlerithe of Section T, 8. B and', quarlcr M Section A5, Township a <br />and West close M Serlien 3D Ilnsan ul that Darl of the I. " hip 10. Ton'nshp 1t Sonth. Range aB 90um. Retie 30 F.ast: Name tun <br />and the F.axt and Wrvt .nlrrlim lin! •x Awn exu4 In Rmrle 35 And (East to the Southeast eomtt Of the! Num along the said East line NI <br />dfrbes the T.wnhim 33 Sloth and <br />vl Sreoon [A. Twnhip 33 Seth. R. D. Carter's Subtliv4bn b me <br />A9 -1 Piz mence West along rand <br />Range :19 F.1d, <br />to Ihr Nol'"w 's iTownship line and iia extension b Nalheast comer N Ike and A. D. <br />r,f Gocrromrnt Gd 3. Se:•- the Range line dividing Ranges m Corner's SuUtl{vlsbrl: bnenro Wed <br />ti,1n a[3, Tvaeuhip 13 &null,, Hunge'Euat; mence North along said Want the Nnrth lin° ofCan <br />W East; theme 9rxrth along the Rapt, Jim to the T°wnshp lige SdItAMd quarter et tAe Nm1h!>d tar's Subalvldon 1f a paint SM fid <br />wen one of Gevvrnenlnt Ll 3 act . ., Fast M the East rght Of way bid <br />. mvwiaR Toa'nrhip 11 Snuth and :. her of Stt O11 10. Taushrpl <br />e M&'croon a and the East 0 om• qua N rwdy Nlgha'ay No. A. thenst, <br />quarter M Section 30. Township Igouth: IM1rrrrd Ion East along and yy RarrRe 39 Easl: thence Natnerh• and parallel t° me East, <br />N $.ufh, Ramo 39 East a Ihr, folbwbg the F»tit MWndarY Ifne :1-1, .Inn, e.lenstno M East right of oust loin If tM 'P.rnl <br />Bt•YIII r4ht M way line or the main COolrty Cothsomllner's Uloli, t Lo Mary of nab S,,tion 10 la the Hwivony la the North 11n. It SaaI <br />�'Nn. 1. os AeremAe/I dexcribad 4 !ttmrer'line It Stale. PMA 80; Theme lion m. T-ciulli 33 South, Rangel <br />Cant of the Indian Rivvr Fp'ms"the aha° line of the Atlantic Octan. P 1 <br />D's"'n,c District; ihvn. Weetl' East Ring A:rd 1 Ili -119 erlderltnc 30 End; thence West along the <br />Along the Son. right N way In theme South sad AONhensterly t° of Stare Ruad GO b as InIternrtloIt North line M Semon M to the Ead' <br />lid peon N Dt{iMUgt• i. It the <br />ad right 01 wnv I" M M oust IInI N the Fbrba East <br />1. Maur Cahal to a Lint arra• rI{IIt <br />toaln of the East lin° M H. D. 'tho Florida 9.11 C' 1 RniloaY (in Coast Railway: theme Sussuadly <br />Can.r'x sundlv.lom I., the Nertheall+ COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S lbo City of Vvro Urafh, F'lonanl; •sten{ and 101hreing me East right <br />quarter of the So. quarlcr of OISTRICT NO. 3 r Iheare Northerly Iuilln mg Eant Aeon ut way Ito of the F'lo[bn <br />SocUal u, Township a South, right N w'a.i' or Fllridu Ea. Coast Esat CMn AOUway t° its Inte4 <br />Range AO men. run North Rrgin .t the lnbrae,llon M mel Ra11wWY t° the North line N Sec• 'ton win the North right oI way tin <br />Man{ IM saw Fasl hew of A. D. ti -in right of way Imo of the Cnun-i lion 3A. Township V stoolh. Range of the South Relief Canal of tna <br />Canc,r's Subdivh:ex to Ike North- 1}' Rvad 15'ovth Grifurd RuaA1 arw t9 £on: them, Wed .em said Indian River Farms Drain:lge Dir <br />east a .1 We sora R. D. C., the: West tried of way line of they North Ione In Me'Ved riga M u' -Y tact; thence NOrtheaxietly end <br />tee's Supllvisins; Ihentt West along Fel oda Cnnt N.Ilway; tamer: of Este Florida East Coast Rallnay, E...rly along nb Norm 119ht M <br />Me <br />North low M 16. D. Carter'. ruil West along the South Ira of the! theme Norlaerly nlmnq the Went way Ilse of South Relief Casal to <br />S.In1 t bn to A point 180 tart F."I said County Road to rho cenlvrllne "ot of a'hy line of Iha Flocid> Ila Inern•.etlon w0h the Wed snore' <br />N the East nghl M way Ifne oI of Ihe Northwsl quarter of me) Fast Const Rhtla'.y to Intel point lone If the Indian River; then. no. <br />Federal Highway No. is thence Southwest goar'Irr M Scotian 37. N beRinnhng, tine due East . Its Inlerceetlon <br />Mer therlY and pantie) to the Ea¢t Tnwnabrso :N )oath, Nanta 39 End: , with tin: center n me Norman" <br />IRA, <br />right N tray line ul the Federal) then. iSluth In o I.ud 300 testi COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S Cbannwl of the <br />Intlian Rivet ler <br />M01.1y M the North line N ib., A°°m N the Nurthaasl corner If DISTRICT NO. 4 .tag int'I' ural Na4rwnY15 <br />Re HCRin at the Ineesectiml of the then. SauthNa Winne Mid nal of <br />Inc. - <br />1— J5. Towmhip Y^ South, Range the S.thwcal quxrter N Elle South- y <br />W East; theme West thong Me cast quarter of the Southwest quare End right ut ws1 line of Cllr Fia. 11r. of In v Navigation In. <br />Channel M <br />North hno. of Seth- 35 b the West la of Svroon 37. Tow'nabW 32to,"'. iia East Coast union'! <br />trio the ll,° ind4n River t° me SoutA bounA• <br />rlRnt of way Ihu et the Florida East Nang! 19 E:rat; lhvme West t° the North ItRhI or w'ny line of the sluts °rY N India, RWrr RwNy; run <br />C,.xl 11311-Y: thence NortherlyFast lone If m° Wc¢t half .t the F.nat tang M South boundary to <br />Rel.f CaMI g the Indtsn Alvei Ila antAnma nn w0h the ahorrliM. <br />eine the West r4M or way I:ne N' Ease nus of tow Ii ..her t quitter Parmf Drainage District: theme M me AUWMe Ocean: Ihamrr Nvrth- <br />Ib's hammy , �is feet, more or act. N the .,.h,p est 9M th. If Seclbn Normean,rly and Easterly a1,.Xl Rely .1.8 and tolawing the shore• <br />b Ihe RuuN right N wiy one M T)• Tvwnsap 3S South. Raine AO :Raid Nlrlh dqM M way Ila! of line M the Alaniw Ocean b ma <br />the CuuniS• fload l,outn Cilfortl Eaxt; lMlrce Nurlh shag me and'.Snuth AehIt <br />Call., b its inieraee• point of beRlnnlnR <br />Rend): Ihentt Wen along me South F. in rise If the West halt N um''lion with the West sM.lino of the flF, IT FURTIIP.R AF.SOLVP.D, <br />lino M me said County Hnh" I. the: F.aal halt nr the Anulmvcst "Miert Inman River; Ilnenre coniine doe, Ilwt thI Rverd °! Cvunl0 t'mnml. <br />terhne of the Nonheaat tuar4rl of the Soutm.r purer of Settien Eaft to Its 1stI.Imetinn ..In 16ellparu ors of Irwlon R1,<r CouaY oleo <br />N <br />the Southwest hustler N Sntbnl 27 b the Natn Ilne of me Sa°tn•I center n! Ike NaviR:Ilinn CnannM'by ntlelermmn toot one DounAanes <br />>h. Tox'nlop 33 South. NanBe 391 weal quaker of the SnulAwe>t tuarl Mme Indrau Nivrr IezistlnR Intro M the above Dislrit4, as herewlthl <br />Ehsl: lhame Svulh e a Mint ]W' ter M Section I; then. Wed awrot ..alai a'aterwa)'1 then. SOulnertY Ilaetl. shave <br />nal raArins to M s: <br />fret South N the Nonneant co.arl Este Nonn lino of the Sougrwcstl rollnwrnR said centerliOn M the nearly he MsxlLa equal in Deo•r <br />ut the Soulnwnt garter of mel quarter of tow 8oulhue I guartrr N.'eaten Chanel m he Caw'niporlbn to MPulnliun. I <br />iiouRwad gMrter °f the Slut _d net u d Secllun W. and Me North 'Around-, Ito. of Indian Rivrf Coury <br />quarlcr of Ac[trme V. Tarnshlp 33 1'.. Of the S,wthaut quarter N the 'ty; thine. went along enid Hound.! <br />Soulh, R. -as, a9 East: thence West Southeast quarter of Section U. Ary IIn to the Range tine dwbingl <br />to the Eaat Jim o1 the Waal half Toansnip 33 Solve, Range Sq EaeLI Ranges 93 Eaal and 36 East: then,.: <br />of Me East halt N the SOR11med in the Sauroad easter If the Weal' North along said Rang! Ifne a tM' <br />quaker of me iitulhweat Marten M b a8 nervy M in. Fmg TD 38 In"' l South hnundary line nl Count)' Com- <br />Sceoon V. Township 33 5°um, of sold Northeast quaker N the mrssioner'a Old iet Ne. 3, as here• <br />Range N East; them° Nonh along Snulma quaker M Aed"O' P0; lohefore described: then. East �i �B <br />ma £sat bac M the wrxt had of theme North ,IIs[ the East bneI loan{ the <br />4nmemg avid Routh 6UUA I p4cf6 j <br />the East halt of the Southwest of the said lbod arm, M the East [boundary lin° in <br />its Intersection <br />quarter Of the SOuthw'sat Wailer of 30.68 acres of Ino Northeast quarter win the East eight of way alae of <br />Semon 3). to me North Ince M ma .at the Southeast quarter of Section the Florida East Coast Raihcay: <br />Srwlhwed quarter of Ino 3oumwed iS, to the Aeuto right of way lin. men. South Along and /nllawimR <br />quarlcr of Britton V: thence WestlN tae County Road ISouth Gifford aqM East right of way b pemt N <br />hang the NOrin low of A. Soutb. Ro.di: that- West ulonR No South �be;ening. <br />west quarter M the South- lir. M the said County Road es, the <br />West lint N the West 10.58 ares Af <br />lice East 30.59 acrca M the North- <br />