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Commissioner Macdonald inquired of the right-of-way progress <br />of A -1-A and after some discussion, motion was made by Commissioner <br />Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and unanimously carried, <br />that unless a greater dr;ree of cooperation i.s evidenced hy proprrty <br />owners, the Board will discontinue operation of the prof;rat <br />A letter from Thomas D. .41.1liams, Attendance Assistant and <br />Juvenile C.,unselor for Indian River County, wits to rhe Board <br />advising that the conntitLee appointed :'or Stutyin", the feasibility of a <br />four county home :or nnntal pati.nts ..nd• detl' did rant <br />Earl .t home of this rat Was feasib:e or de:,it'able. <br />t:. <br />The CcZky Servi.o Cificer presenLcd .1 IeLLur requostim;; auth- <br />orl::ati.un to take a two ':eek vacation L•c:; imtin;; thv 3t -h... day of <br />Motion was made by Commissioinor r.:ddcl.l., sc.ccnd.•d by Comm{-;s'.cncr McCul- <br />,,nd unanimously carried, tient the request be �cr•mted. <br />The following requests j -ire ,; by Forrest. McCullars, <br />County Agent; To attend the Citrus Institute at Camp YcQuarric. :lugusL <br />6 to 9; To attend Extention Workers Conference University of Florida, <br />August 20 to 24 (Gas and Oil only) and to attend Cattl:,man Institute, <br />Lake Placid, August 8th. Motion was trade by Contmission,:r McCullers, se- <br />conded by Commissioner Macdonald and unanimously carried, that the requests <br />be granted. <br />A delegation from the Civic League of Gifford, appeared before <br />the Board and requested the Board to extend Ambrose Avenue from South to <br />North Gifford road and requested a right of way between 28th Avenue and <br />the railroad track, just West bf the railroad track. They also reported <br />a washout on 43rd street. The county engineer was requested to make a <br />survey of the above requests. <br />Homer Fletcher, Tax Assessor, appeared before the Board and <br />suggested to the Board that they adopt a specific policy to follow with <br />regard to the new assessed values and the forthcoming equalization meeting <br />scheduled for August 7, 1962, at 1:00 o'clock, P. M. <br />Al Webber, Deputy Clerk, brought up the matter of advertising <br />t <br />