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NUIQDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1962 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, met <br /><at the Caurthouae, Vero Beach, Florida, in a spe=cial meetiai;; held at <br />8;45 A. M., Monday, October 1, 1962 Present were Robert 14. faxaves, <br />Chairman, B. t�, Waddell and J. J. p. Hamilton. Abscnt.wef*c oonal.d Mac- <br />donald and 0. B. McCullers. A180 present was Al 4etbbc-r, Deputy Cleric. <br />Motion ta,aa +n -Ade by ColwAssioner Waddell, seconded by Cottunissiotx: <br />er Lamilton and una+iln.uus;ly carried, that the contract with L" Al. Motto <br />for construction of new j,.ail additiau be approved and S4 geed and the <br />fOl.l.owinU Resolution 'adopted, <br />I&SOLi1TI ON <br />WHEREAS, the. Board of County Conunissione+rs of Indian Rivor <br />County, FiorliL, did udva.rtise and call for bids for tl.e Cuarstruction <<, <br />certain additions to the County jail of Indian River County, Floridi, and <br />WhE&EA4.,bi.d;a were oubmiteed by several persons, firms and cor- <br />porations of which Netto Construction, Incorporat=ed, wets they l.uwest res- <br />ponsible bidder, and <br />WHEREFQt , sari Board finds uaxd determines that Ncatto Ccanst:ra;t.- <br />rii;n <br />Incorporated, tazas and is .a. responsible bidder and that its bid <br />the lowest re;;ponsible bid, No t4, T13E tElY)itE, <br />Bti IT RE E�L1eEt}, by the. Board of County Conmlissi.oners of Indian <br />River County, Florida, that Indian River Cuullq, a pc;ii.tical subdivision <br />of the State of. Florida, enter into a contract with Nctto Constxuction, <br />Incorporated, a Florida corporation, for tie construction of: an addition to <br />the C.,unty jail of Indian River County, Florida, in words, phrases and <br />figures as follows: <br />