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C%ux li eA&E �� <br />TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1962 <br />They Board of County Comcii.ssioners of Indian River County, met at <br />the Courthouse, Vero Beach, Florida, in a regular meeting held at S:00 <br />o'clock, A. M., Tuesday, November 20, 1952. All. members were present.. <br />Also present: were Ed Sebmucker, County Engineer, John Gould, Attorney, Al <br />Webber and Freda Wright, Deputy Clerks. <br />Mr, Lester Baker and 11r. Joe Michael were recognized by the Chair. <br />Mr. Bai€er state:d that because of the fact that there were so many fruit <br />trucks crossing the highway and the traffic moved along,, with such great <br />speed, that it was almost impossible co cross the new U. S. 1 at Wabasso <br />without creating a traffic hazzard. The Chairman pointed out to him th;It <br />this was out of the jurisdiction of the Board `out stated that the Board <br />could recommend a survey by the State Road Department. Motion was made <br />by Conunissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and unanimously <br />carried, that the State Road Department be requested to make a survey and <br />to contact, the Deerfield Groves, in particular, about the specific problem <br />and the following Resolution is adopted regarding same. <br />----------------- <br />RES0LUTIt1N <br />WHEREAS, the relocating;, four -laving and other improving of <br />Florida State Road No. 5 between the north city limits of Vere, Beach and <br />the north limits of the cooununity of Wabasso, in Indian River County, <br />Florida, have caused automobile traffic to travel through Wabasso. at a <br />speed considerably higher than before such relocating, four-Ianing and <br />other improving; was completed, and <br />WHEREAS, there are large citrus groves located east of State Road <br />No, 5 as relocated, in Wabasso, and it is necessary to haul the fruit <br />picked from said groves to packing house located west of Florida State: <br />goad No. 5 as relocated, in Wabasso, and <br />WHEREAS, the only feasible route for hauling such fruit is west- <br />ward along; East Wabasso Road and across the intersection of that road with <br />Florida Stats Road No. 5, as relocated, and <br />WHEREAS, said intersection is of such width and the traffic on <br />