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iit.6 LUT10N <br />NVII s1WAS, tha 'Town Council of the l'own of Indian ltiver <br />Shores, Florida, has a vital interest in the upunitg and extension A-1 -A <br />north and the bridging of the Sebastian Inlet-, and, <br />c'EIFIWAS, the Tokvn Council re4,opivua the trarmendous value <br />to the csatsatar iattiaa of both iirtavard and Indian River Coutttiaa it the <br />pro3reaaivo activity of the i;oard of Qu )unty Coin m1aaWnerd of 3rcavaad <br />CLmnry and Indian River t#;wnty In Makin-A it usz1ble that these two <br />Counties 1,1e joined by the bridginl, of the Sobacttiaan Inlet; and, <br />thtrt C,)utacil is nit unmindful of tho tratny problems <br />aiad sbataacieta which have confronted the County t: atarrrriaaiutaara of the two <br />(uuntieu in the bringing the Irks ing of the ZS4,haativn Inlet Into r ali tlon <br />t-Jvt 'iii rr€.i3tawJitr, <br />36 IT RESOLVED Ly the Town Council of the Town V. Indian <br />Mver Shores in amoral rneetln3 held on July 23, 1963, that: <br />1. The 'Town Council of the Town of Indian Rlvar Shores, <br />Florida, in rads tait,on of the untiritti efforts of the Board of Cutanty <br />C:ommiaalunerra J thu (:vunttc u of grw and and Indian ltiver to bring <br />about the bridgAn3 of tho Sobaottan Unkt t)wtE ,!on the twi, Counties, <br />hertiby clsmn-teada the two conji 7lealunn Cut• their progressive thiniting <br />and action. <br />2.. "That in rocugnitluta of Ow leadership ,)( Robert M,. Graves, <br />Chairman of the Hoard of County C;ommiaelionoru if Indian diver County, <br />Florida, and of his untiring efforts in cooperation with the tramrams of <br />ttte Cimmissioue of ilrcovard and Indican sliver Counties in causing the <br />bridgin t of the Sebastlan Inlet to :cols-1 a rarcl,ty, thlaa (-")uWH <br />recotr mendta that the brldp over tlt:s ;obaatleii Inlet W (hili nsto d the <br />MI1CHELL L MITCHELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, VERO BEACH. FLORIDA <br />