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e 01 <br />W,,L .:t LLL COUrtlQUa ., V "o ,.WWFiMil in - C„ViC ,=, 110.. <br />t :jai o`r_1.oClc, ,� d:ay, .i..urieicy 22, 1 ...., a <br />Roberti" Graves, Cki n,m, D. D. *icCullers k,nd JI rre J. Wfie id. <br />,.osvnt were Donald Nacdonald and B. Q. .;eaae:c O A"o p es"t were Ed <br />SCIAnucrar, County hrit;f nuer, John Gould, :^.ttociic} , .0 'k e.bbcr ;ancl . iedc, <br />zix,lrt, leputy <br />Gladys Villi aa, County v, 1i�..< ,,, uc,r, appe,,rcd oe; ore t the <br />Bmwd zoad gave an ors! Mp"t of Most A ,,. C <:ctiviLics fo: the r:ontl> <br />Of D,.CeWber and filed Wcitte:ci report ,.ALU th4 Ueard. <br />on motion CoCRT£ 9siouQr i~ScMIS rs, seconded by CcmMssiozcer <br />heaffield the following resolution wAs adol eo <br />iTERKS, the `Mate KOJd d3clzuzcnic it o` Florida z,nthorizud <br />and requested INDIsN S.iliilsl: County to fuciotdt Clic necessaary rights of <br />way, borrow pits and cdsccxcats,for that poat:i.on of Se"Lon SSRO, State <br />;toad S-510, extendiu,, from; the Southwest curn,:r of th,: Southeast �. of <br />Section 26, Township 31 SwUV ,t:arqe 33 i t, Ffasterly t0 <br />which h,:.s been surveyed and .Loci+ted by the ;Matt Ro,:d Oep:rLw,�nt as <br />shown by a map on si1a in the office oC thc: Cleric of the. Circuit Court <br />of sAd County, and in the office of the baid Dep rLw at at 1:, l a,iaSme, <br />and <br />i,'}ri,.1E05, We Said rtLil not begin Construction of <br />said poition of sai3 'e.ction in s;:ld CUniLy ,.tali. to .zil laced <br />necessary fur said lert:ioa of said ;ar.tion to b4en comend to or vested <br />in said State by said County, erid said hands arc physically cloned of <br />al.1 occupants, tenants, fences, bttildin;S <ncl/u- otlas l strueLure.; acid <br />.improvements upon ox eacro:acl:ing .aithia the lin,a.ts of tl:e' farad recui.ied <br />for said portion of said Sect cin, z;nd <br />WIii^2N:r1S, the said County is fin.nwaHy unablca a zhis gime to <br />pxovided the necessary funds to acquire said rights of Tway, borrow pits <br />and easements, now therefor, be it <br />t2BSOUL.D, that. the, State Road Dupartnaent of Florida be kind <br />