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mmm smmI BQIIam CGdi1'RACT <br />THIS SXOND SUPPUMMITAL AGR..Fyi,3'M made this 22nd day of <br />January, 1963, by and between NX TO CO;:STRUCTIO:i, IVCO1:POl.ATZ), <br />heroinnfter called the Contractor, and I. )IAN &Iv -77. COUNTY, a <br />nolitieal subdivision of the State of i'lorida, hereinafter called <br />the Cvincr, <br />rIT;:: SA,.Tk:, th:nt the building contract between the Con-. <br />tractor and the Omer dated October 1, 1962, be and it is herewith <br />a..,.'. hereby changed as follows: <br />1. 'Ills Contractus sball furnish all of the materials and <br />xarform All of tho wore nc;imsaary to install i3O ampore double <br />Uxov :at + tcl. and S uircult breaker peaul for stand-by unit; light* <br />i:: romis lltt-iQ }- X11 miJ radio roam shall bu ,mt o;: stars:; -by unit <br />to bo contrulloa by u.,.litional m itchez. <br />,. 'Taa tt::., _or completion of the work called for by said <br />cis*ttra::t :ata:: uctobor 1, lV(;;.1, shall bot tw eazo:idk,u. <br />�•. <br />Mae ao tt.ract price of A21,06f.•. -$O, heretofore inersanad <br />i'=21- b"., incrraased by :''Li Z.74 to <br />aw s;nuc:.ftcally chrnga.i herein, the aria buil.:- <br />Co Ar pct ::ate, ctob.;r 1, 1902, Shall r%=1n. in full force <br />t3.0 ,parties horuL6 have oxeeuc4.4 thins <br />cos: 3Iia; Contract, it. tri,l.L.;at, the day aul <br />:r a• ZiZL;t a:)eVa .r:ttel.. <br />i^;a.f.i in: tha yro::oucc o.: I:.;Ji.i :"' a . COM - 1";, a political <br />subdivision of tho : xate of : ler l ua, <br />i <br />�.j to . Z. Gravel; <br />::oberL ::raven, ::ba�rs:a� o' <br />the 11 -Awl of t:ounty Oommio3i <br />ere of Indica !aver County, <br />Mori" <br />v:,TT0 CfY^b_A7VCTT ' , IaCaltn%.=: -) <br />BY <br />Netto, ."resident <br />: i:: to ..5a IJPRO�o COULD. COOKSEV 6 FENNELL VERO BEACH. FLORIDA <br />