Crusade foxChrist, the County owned ,,rupLrty :just
<br />'jest of the iiaoe iiutl's
<br />1.8ague B,sceball Field, for the sual o" 10,00 fug t` t i;ri�r:ic,d oi,-April 21
<br />through Ilay >, 1963, v.ith they sci:pulatimm We no e,u Wobilcs be al.lmed
<br />to park .oct the baseball field :real that the property ;re left In a
<br />clean ccsndi.tion.
<br />Cory walker, .•? t io'rjr y, appo,,ired r, :Lot:, tot aSoar:i ;�Or: tis coai[.:Lou, ;.orx'
<br />oz tye PUNIC h "in,,., for its s!;t l3<ay at.rect ;rr !(Oselt.nd- he prosant.ed
<br />to tl=a Board a d (,:,l for rl,;ht of c, q ic,n; d b .z s. k jorsvik. fter : ";L,
<br />diskssion, Huta n w", s da by Cwmissionera_`,ccion�:1d, atCc.ox ad i)y
<br />hu .sc,_asio . .,'advcka f,nd t„)zsnlwoualy° czar li.eo, _hart ths< County acce'pt� the
<br />t follpuirs; a:. a 1u[Locr.
<br />a, c;y thw 1ioatd ttc toutat::y 4wi si ,.;st.>n;:k> c>f indzF::)'r
<br />�. i la , r C ; �3czz <i ftiaz> t.c ra 1,ind and di "t,a, rminj 5
<br />Vol Lows:
<br />1.. That tlt ',L.AW t> 3t. it _ , cr. cstcs °d hasy
<br />I.3.3 :d An A vanded Petition lsi.'_W re thi z; 5u i rd on tats?, 22nd d'i,, ..n .is`4'F1uary, ,
<br />3, ac n..eomp of zad TOM xva u;, £:c tu_;t:
<br />:in abo h " s ,
<br />z: i a p;xnJ,c "ad Os -i its �
<br />c;UV W3.: e. old ltO.><._<t_:. —;:3 4..t"d lrirte.'�En il':iz !`1.,, 4i.
<br />Of do Collo,;-;;; .. r'Iz.d mmvey !in,:
<br />oasts rxt•� at Lhe Sotidao. ,,t vvrOcr C7( ,„O rl?1"ut Luc rp ecti:on 25,
<br />m
<br />thenen- ren North ;.x oarw iri: iti ^t;t
<br />b”" r9 of Said C:uV ut r M aL !at s
<br />di a mw e of olZ.8 iwc.e.; ehens;e
<br />Lau heath 3a) 7' _t Lo t ;.xsL it!,b )x ;iav line of On New U.
<br />i'r 1 y �_ 1 r�, tltc iavz.rt zi li;xz r^�t:,m said knout; -c£
<br />contiaus oa a lum NueLk 3J°1r'Jst the Vcm`. i;o :erdas;y
<br />1 Wo of the Vid U. S, Ejenjy No L, EXM2T Me 35' of law! lyisr
<br />.WUderly and _,,,.t:iwa.:ior y ca : °t v .ioovt' sutv,y
<br />in dw Vmo B.Ch el -.085 ,:ours., a new ;aper of 6e:rreral ci cu i. ._,.Urs Pub -
<br />in Lruii:n liivtsr County, lux-<ia, said votive Ldlln,; pu Ashcd at:
<br />ro 01c cistcr statc,:1 this t in for Such publftz hcarixs, .
<br />?, iirac s,a.a l,s;h' rock ;uid ri. ,l;t-oi: -,M1.;y above descri""e'd it) nut a
<br />Stat o or ?°dural ':u:td unci is not mainLnined by t1 -le :-taL:0 of Florida and io
<br />not locateO ;.Athtn tQ inc:ori.oratcd Wats of any municipality and i -s
<br />