<br />WHEREAS, Indian (liver Comat.y, a political subdivisA6u of t'he
<br />State of'I'leridia, as O"eq and Dmatur Iron And Steel Company, Inc.,
<br />as Contractor, did on Sshtember 24, 1962, enter into a building son-
<br />tract .for the Owner of cex•tain addition, to there County .Jail. of Indian
<br />River County'. Florida; <and;
<br />WIOMS, M,lson A. Fam%l r, the architect who prepar,�d they
<br />plans and pc i.if9catiina; fol said additi., ma " and who i" supervisin
<br />the construction of saw, by the Cont,:-avUw, has mxmm"ded that
<br />certain cAlanges by ma&; to said plain: and spoc.i.ficaLions; and,
<br />WHERF1"IS, t u,r Boavd of County Cotitmissioneers of Indian River
<br />Country, Florida, has found and does find t"t s id ch:an,-_a in mad
<br />plans and s. pcciflcation:.; do not. ;involve v sn° t,axztlal change it' the.
<br />general plain or character of tko' , ons0Uc;Cie:n1 'to he done And, further,
<br />that dolays, :incolm.,11icace and Capenses inc.idcnt to adverti'sing' for
<br />bids would bo numerous; and,
<br />WHEREAS, said Board has been advised by itw at.iornc.y that,
<br />dicier tho law of Florida a- cieu'iarc+d by the Supretise Court of Florida
<br />in Fscambia Country v 37lautct ConSta uc t>on (,omh tny, :1913,» 6? bo 650,
<br />It j, not: necessary to ad,aertise for bids for such changes; NOW,
<br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board cf County Cowmissioners of
<br />+'Indian River County, Florida, that Indian River County, a political
<br />m0tlivisi.on of. the Stage of Florida, easter into a <;upplemental
<br />building contract wash Rec,atur Iron And Steel Company, Inc., in
<br />words, phrases and figures as follows:
<br />