WHEREAS, Indian River County, a politic:€al subdivision of
<br />the Stato of vlor.i.da, us Owner, and Nottca t;canst:a�zc;tiata, Incorporated,
<br />a .Florida. corporatinn, .as Amtrac:tor, did on October It 1962, enter
<br />into a buildin ; c"ontmet, Callingfor the constri'letion by the Cors--
<br />tracov for ttae Owm' v of eea•tain .additions to the County jail. cif
<br />7:ndian River County, F'lor iclaa; and,
<br />WIz'EREAS, ilaalson A. 1 a,, hol' ch') archi itact Who pl,t"P vod tlaes
<br />Plans and 5}Secifacr.at.:ions foe ,.arid addiC%: s and who is supmvi<Qu&
<br />dva twost,ruction of rs.iu, by the (Yonta-ac ior, has coo" mamded that
<br />car+vta;in chalqu;ets be maade to said plalvs .and and,
<br />WkII'sitEAS, the Board of County of Indian River
<br />County, Florida, has found .and does find i."t, skid c hiva;,>Ets in said
<br />plans and spcacificsta.i.ons do not invo1 ) a sulwtantial delacangv ill the,
<br />g"eml plata or character of t1w construction to bt• dine, and,
<br />further, tha-t delays;, atu,on.veanionce and-enxpan�es' zinc iclent to ,ad-
<br />vortising, for -bids- would be maancarc.m; and,,
<br />WHEREAS, said Board has bocan advised by its attoruoy, that,
<br />ulidc.r tine :laws of Florida wo`cieclaved lay the SUtax=cmm Marl; (I Florida
<br />in E c:a,aitaia County v=. Ialc,aauCt nstr ac9 ion's ompaaa , t<,#tlt, fat 5. fi5t2,
<br />ii. is nut nrcc:ssaavy to adv€irt so for bids for snOt changos'; NOW,
<br />R 'Pi3r,CtEF'O3tE,
<br />BE IT RESt" LNEDi by fixe; Board of Country Collaui ic;ners of
<br />Indian River County, Floa-ida, that Indinn`Hivox, County, a politica'],
<br />subdivision of Me SQty of 'Florida, tMt:er into a t:2aiyd mMpleamental
<br />building contract with Ne"o Cma"uMbm Inco'a• m%tcad, a Florida
<br />Corporation, ill words, phrases and figaros'asfollows:
<br />