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DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR USE OF SECONDARY ROAD FUNDS FOR 1963-44 <br />1. The construction of an adequate tare -lana biglnay to be 1, <br />as state Bond 11-1 A coossacing at the Northern ead of present <br />State road A-1 A teat of the Indian River in Median aiver <br />County and running Nerthwaxd to the Sebastian Iaiet cad the <br />construction of a bridge over the Sebastian Inlet. <br />2. Roseland Road State Road 505, Exam Collies Creak to the <br />Florida test Coast Railway in Roseland, with crossing signals <br />at this crossing. <br />3. Wahasso Road, State Road 510, Exam Stats Road 5 West to a <br />point an the South line of Section 26, Township 31, south <br />Range 38 Rant, which was the beginning of job 8851-150, with <br />crossing signals at the railroad tracks. <br />4. Ring's Highway, state Bond SOS-&, from North Relief Canal to <br />North Winter Beach Road and fram Robert Road to Vabosso Road, <br />State Road 510. <br />5. To survey on the ground and establish proper alLsimaat and <br />right of way for Indian River Boulevard paralleling the lent <br />shore of the Indian River at a suitable and proper distance <br />therefrom, extending from the West right of way line of state <br />Road 5. Sec. 68010-2208. at the intersection of the township <br />line dividing Township 31 and 32 and extending South to the <br />existing dedicated right of way by the City of Toro Beach at <br />the Main Canal of the Indian River Farms Drainage District, <br />and then following the established right of way of the City <br />to the South City Limita, then continuing south to return to <br />said State Road 5 at a point in the general vicinity of the <br />south County line, or in the general vicinity of the Oslo <br />Road at the North line of section 30. Township 32 South, <br />Range 40 East. or soma other suitable intersection point. <br />6. Clemanns Avenue, state Road 511 from State Road 60 to North <br />Gifford road, including bridge over Main Canal. <br />7. Lateral A. State Road 505 to State Road 60 to State Road 510. <br />to widen pavement to 20 feet wide and resurface. <br />