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S C L U T I <br />to .,:: rce KUSU 7up«x t.x "L Of tt',,+ ':tato L x ':i urida, hi <br />POO :in Cht Pr.o t Of f)rep«xrQ; its bud;e.t.'Zch. Ke 11"! ymr 1,3004 <br />azad, <br />r � , L .o boars of County Of fnc.iOn River County, <br />Weld, Is v.icaa..y lacx,.c,sced Q Wo a", Qxteasions and U_.prove- <br />rnL.ats t:.i: .ic*> priwary :c> d wj-t;teaa of to "ta;.ts of Fiorxcly in¢ ;tavz> <br />Co: aty, F';.0° idac� <br />IT by t.i. Ucsaid O :oa:iaty cwmaissionX:s o:" Iadi�n <br />i L'otaxtCy, loricL. tl:eit tlA 4,C-EC-ViLie i%a,f)c tfkA1s} ;:CtjUcsL <br />t .e ,: ca are •to:aa Dep artm.cnt. oZ t'i � O,.,. t:o oa Florida to inaude In its t'.Iu& <br />pzitzary rojd6 f r ttc4 s3 y; al iJ r,i tie . r) 1 ru eets <br />i.t €."maty, r1oridx», <br />1. Ulf, constr-uccioai of U a E qw" moo,e l iFji "'ray to bc: <br />kao . ��L atiG ata,.,.i .. �.^ _vr:d,;L x Lh,c: i-IrLhcrS"a <br />i"r in 1"4 w A= C a nq ira: at ; '6o [n ad to <br />t:e sEba„ta ,az 't a,i€t and "AA'. —'o i:lon of bridge <br />over the <br />uductE.z;t:c_ i 2tiue. ttitcrway Of z:r1 of as abasso Bridge <br />And oz ifja= ,j'Jo :,r011� i L ai)<id j to tk e. <br />OVC1 Ut,c iod'.,... <br />3� T.. CJ x. lE Citi t bac, ti12.ii;y�, nx "'tace J"... <br />;.. <br />'ac t.a'.f Arils. Ea ok tic. iat ei: e t,''un <br />Of State ;Load 510 and Stat: ::oc:d `l? cin a n ;r ali n` <br /> ti.sL iwuth. o_ present location uad to k:.<Orcis.t <br />3,WIU cubic feet E}. w*t:e ;t;- r,econd cu fiod unaQ <br />DWQ, ,: v,?,;:. to Lie Mood pf in E:a: 2U!) <br />ir:tr»y I7 L1nds,�a, I .Lci�,u.;: <br />on Bron & -o Areet; faaew+as wins C.- <br />eonc "i,i: n'; <br />-Wl <1t its <br />. to ti,- °2 C:1. a? isa t5.. <br />re _ on MAj, tit"_ .,Q E ..-.`312 nwi:% E.iu Wa(3 <br />