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A letter was received from Attorney Charles Sullivan relative <br />to installing a culvert to the Poyck property on Oslo Road. After some <br />discussion, Motion was made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by <br />Commissioner Waddell and unanimously carried, that nothing be done <br />because the County Attorney, John R. Gould, has advised the Board that <br />County Funds cannot be spent for improvement of private property -and <br />th::t a certified copy of these minutes be sent to the Poyck. <br />r. letter was received from Judge Mank, requesting _uthoriza- <br />tion for he and Mr. '_illi�ns, Juvenil;: Counselor, to attend Florida <br />Juvenile Court Jud&es Institute meeting in Miami on April , 3, 4, and <br />5, 1963. a a cost of ..pproximately $55.00 per person. Motion was <br />n- de by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner McCullers <br />.:nd un.:nimously c.:rried, th-.t the s.:me is authorized. <br />Motion was ca_ de by Commissioner ,'addell, seconded by <br />Commissioner Macdon..ld and unanimously c..rried, that an .,ct be introduced <br />in the Le,;islwture to allow State per diew for travel expenses to county <br /> :+nd county employe", unless the actu,;l expenses exceed this <br />,:r„ount, then receipt for :'ctu,.11 expenses nw.y be submitted. <br />Motion Baas m.:de by Commissioner ,iaddell, seconded by <br />Commissi.on.r M_cdon,id ,.aid uaa:nimously carried, th.t this Board <br />cudors,a the legisl,,ture proposed by the State ..ssocic,tion of Board of <br />County Commissioners as collo,as: <br />