Motion was made by CommisTMionor macdoaacsld, socooded by
<br />Cocaunissioaer Waddell and unanimously carried, t"a 3 Llze full:owilig
<br />Resolutiun he adopted.
<br />R Siai.UI10N
<br />MMUAS, an Act ti i-<aiin� to the Small CLaiws Court:. by >i
<br />Population Act enci.t:led Chapter 61-16.51,, eac; passod by tl:e f"i.sar'ida
<br />Legisiature in regular session of 1961; anti
<br />WHEREAS, it. Inas cH-le t:4, the acc.eartacara cf ck:e ii,airc
<br />of f.;ounty
<br />Commissioners of fadiran Rive=r r Cokniity, Florida," that aarc
<br />iniquities and probie.a:s crreast cd by rNcL, ?ctb to t.i;e Coto;at, ....cA to
<br />the general public and
<br />W11i"REAS, the Bo.rd of ',luaty Gal. t,1 ,t .iladz'.r� oi:' tive.r
<br />CQUItLy, Fi.oz.i;:a,, haS oeLenls ilied that it: would bat in tLw nQ,, t. intescsi'
<br />ca the k,eneral public of 'Lcadian klvs<v County, Florida, co �=i-neod arad
<br />real se this AC i:;
<br />BE IT ThEREFORE RESOLVED by the fk)a,:*rd Of C,`aaaeaa a-'e,wwU sionvrs
<br />of Jodi an Riva .• € aunt r, Florida, t.h,at the a,x.>zb rs of the Florida
<br />i.egizlaLure. ?`; raar lnd:aixx liivi�r COurat:y, Flori&i, be Xcques:ed to conbider
<br />the al"ending of the aforesaid Act, and that: st cerLirted copy of this
<br />Resolution big furnished to the da:i,; elected Represezatative and Setaat:or
<br />from lndL:an River County, Florida.
<br />Motion was made by Commissioner Waddell, se<.ouded by Ciaaa.mis-
<br />vicaater McCullers and unaanimousiy carri.e<i, boat the following, Item to
<br />item transfer is authorized,
<br />ROAD AND BRli?a 'FUND From To
<br />A/C 451, llurcha,ae of Right of Way �S,Jt�fi.UO
<br />AIC 452 Expense. Procuring Right of Way $5,1:00.00
<br />Motion was made, by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by
<br />Commissioner. McCuilers and unanimously carried, that payment to election
<br />officials is authorized.
<br />The County Agent requested authorization to have plywood doors
<br />put on shelves iia his office ata cost of approximately $45.00.Motion was
<br />