,attend the Civil Defense auhwL :in Ashville, North Girk,i naa, May 26
<br />Ctarough 28, for n expemae not to excoed $50,00 to be px-6,d frow i:t:,.
<br />Civic Tiefeen3e sag t.
<br />MooUon was made e by Coaumitasaom r Ai tcc onaa l.d, :~cac ovd e`s t,,yF
<br />Cma&lai.a`Sioner Mullers and otalns.amu.sl.y carritud, a:. t,.,L the 101101aing
<br />Resolution be ratcroomd mW za = l'VAt ,`, i Copy he sent to S,'ea,.,C.vr' 64irbe.ir
<br />and R"re wE atHe K"St.
<br />EE icE`>+1I..L`ED by ti a Board of :.'owa y i:i a ai saz jaa, a`,s of Jn da.ran
<br />Kiver Csausac'.y, Fi.aarida, clacai is requGM a ttac UgAlEat-ca S of iaaaiian RIve.x
<br />Couaaty, Florida, to submiL to WO Legislature <;i` the, 'SLaate. o' Florida,
<br />ra hi -ll taa3i ing 1A uula'V'Iul for aaaay peisoaa, pk'!r a ns" t ifrm or corporation
<br />LO pl. Ce, set, fish or cause to be with, any c L- ut €tets, %aa the
<br />t=eAma tian fas.vc-r or any of its Ca`i.Eau%ries, or te= t,c.sve:s4 aauy nets okc tacit:.
<br />in or upon the Sobaat:Mn Wei- or taaxy of !Lia tributaries, west; of as
<br />point sixt+nen hlotdrQd (1600) .frac t: wast of tike Fler3rid, F:=tst Coast Rtai woy
<br />Br ept., except that: it, soaall be peraraiaasabltt to use as e'ortinon cast net; for
<br />line Purpose of caEc:hlag salt seater fi-sha
<br />Motion was madic, by t ouciissioner wacaa?Qli , seconded by cofmri-"sLonerz
<br />McCullers and airs,a:imusl.y cat-rjQl, tint the x,cali,aw ra he adopted,
<br />R is S O 1, tt 'i` 10 3,
<br />WHEREAS, The k"so:stad of County C.vaaaralcssioners of Tlldi<aas Rivor ("ouncy,
<br />Florida, are rebuilding, o.,o Ra.,, aanci d an€i
<br />ah -',R "<S, The Ets,ard of County coamii isiooers h'a v€� re> -quo' ted the
<br />property owner: Mong this ra-ad to cu;av y riF,ht of waay= t,5 rh oern-y; and
<br />MWIMM, Donald Macdonald "Ilii Mildred 4 Maacdoaa.alai, his wif'o co -
<br />veyed :;a 40 fact rii,ht OC Way tai Indian River count -.y, which ia.^s bees, record,; ud
<br />9.n Offictzal. Record Book 156, Vage 740, public recur& o;4 Indian River Counter
<br />Florida, in accordance with allee*,ssmt lOtter cdate°ai aha c;obee 5 gi>2„ which
<br />agreement letter required the Baird e l County Coa saai.ssi.oaac.rea to rcmove the
<br />front at his builsitig and ra;ruciel the front of PILI buildi a'> aad
<br />