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attend the Civil Defense School in Ashville, north Carolina, May 26 <br />through 2$, .for an expense not to exceed $50.00 to be: paid from the <br />Civil. Defense budget. <br />MotLoo wis wade by Cor.wtissi+ m!r Macdc.mzal3, seconded d lay <br />Ccnmissioner McCullers and un n tnously carried, ti,at tl„� "o.i:eaoing <br />Resolution be adopted and as certified copy be :sent to ;Sen<ltor Barber <br /> Repro,+eaL,�tive Karat. <br />RE SO,L1,T ION <br />BE IT RESOLVED by tha Board of County Couunissioners of Indian <br />River County. Florida, that it requests they Legislators of Indian itiver <br />County, Florida, to submit to alae Legislatuce oC the SLeaw of Florida, <br />a bill waking it ual«awful for any pejsoa, porsons, firm or corporation <br />Lo place, set, fish Or cause to be fished, with cony net or nets in thaa <br />Sebastian River or any of its tributaries, or t.o possess any nets or net. <br />in or upon the Sebastian diver or any of its tributaries, west of a <br />Point sixteen htzneire.d (1600) fect west. of Mae F lc,rida East Coast Railway <br />Bridge, except: that, it shall be pemissable to use a com-son cost net for <br />the purpose of catching salt water fish. <br />Motion was made. by Caraxnf,ssiacaer Waddell, seconded by Cot,aztaissi_oner <br />MCCullers and unaaai,mousl.y Carrled, that the following Resolutioar be adonced,_ <br />-___ <br />R LF S 0 I, U1 IDN <br />WHEREAS, The Board of County CoMissioners of Tndlan Enver Country, <br />Florida, are rebuilding the Roseland Road; and <br />e3HEREAS, The Board of County Coumzissioners have requested the <br />Property owners along, this road to convey right of way to tine. County; and <br />WHEREAS, Donald Macdonald and Mildred B. Macdonald, his wife con- <br />veyed za 40 foot right of way Lo Indican River County, which has been recorded <br />in Official. Record hook 156, Paige 740, public records Of Indian River County, <br />Florida,.. in accordance with agreement letter dated October 5, 1962, whi:cli <br />agreement letter required the Board of County Cormii,ssioners to remove the <br />front of his building and remodel the .front of his bcazJdtng„ and <br />