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Motion was made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner <br />MCCullers and unanimously carried, that the fo;Llowing Resolution be adopted: <br />WHEREAS, the State Road Depaartmena of Florida, purse, iaat to a Resolu- <br />tion heretofore ,adoptees by the Board of County Commissioners of 'IndiAat River <br />County, required the readjustment of cerraiu utility facilities on :state. <br />Road No. S-510, Section 88510-3601, and <br />WHEREAS, cex:tcain estimates coveri"F the cost of adjusting such utili- <br />ties, which are located on private property; have been µtsbmittei,to the <br />State Road Department for approval, and <br />WHEREAS, this Bosrd has reviewed said estimates and finds them to he <br />a re,Asonable charge for the services to be performed, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners <br />of sold County 01.3t the following estivate bt, Ja'sd the. Sams, is, dorlarc.d to <br />be a props expanse by said County for the acquisition of right of way for <br />the construction of said road and the same is hereby approved for payment <br />upon receipt. by the State Road Department of itavosiCes Subaaitted in the <br />proper manner the .Eoll.owing work, <br />UTILITY: FioridEa rower and Light Company <br />AMOUNT: $3,586.00 <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by said Board of County Commissioners, that the <br />State Road Department of Florida be, and it is hereby, requested and authorized <br />to pay for said Work out of secondary funds accrued to the credit of thl,s <br />County. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner <br />McCullers and unanimously carried, that the Board recommend to the Trustees <br />of the Internal Improvement Fund that they release the North 4 feet of the <br />South 100 feet and also the ;lest 47 feet of the East 100 feet of Tract 3.6, <br />Section 5, Township 32 South, Range 39 E=ast, Indian River Farm's Company's <br />subdivision with regard to Murphy Act right of way. <br />