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27 6 <br />sdF11TvN5IiAY PS�Y 22, 1963 <br />The Board of County Comsaissioners of Indian River County. Florida, <br />met at the Caurthouse, Veru Beach, Florida, in a regular meeting held at <br />8;00 o'clock, A. M., May 22, 1963. I? members were present. Also pre- <br />sent were Ed Schmucker, County Engineer, John Sutherland, Attorney, .and <br />Al =.aid FrcdM Wright, Deputy Cldurks. <br />Byron "Bvddv" Coe>iisuv, Accoraey, a,pp :aced before: Che Ro:ard aasad <br />presented .a Petition for vacating an easement on Lots 9, 10, 11. I'," <br />13, Block B "Oslo Vark", Unit 417. After cosasisier able;discussion, Motion <br />was made by Coauul.sslonar 11.4addell, seconded by Cpmmissioncr Naffield and <br />unanimously carried, that the following Resolution be. adopted. <br />�..T 1� 0 IN <br />MiXP AS, under Chapter 57-1412, SpecialAs.ta of P; 5?, the Board <br />of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, was dui} auth- <br />orized'and empowered by Resolut:ion ,adopted without publication,to vacota , <br />and abandon aand relinquish and disclalm the rights of tho public acquired <br />by dedication or of:aerwise, aaoy and all righLb; of ways, ease",aents'. or <br />alloys either conveyed to the said county or dedicated by plat or def -d <br />recorded in said county, and <br />WHRRFAS, Vero Beach Est.atew, Inu., as thin fee simple title owner, <br />rind Florida Power :and Light Company, as thc> purchaser, have duly petitioned <br />the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, to vacate <br />and abandon is teal foot public and da iiacage easement on the rear <br />lot lines of the following described property situate in Indian River <br />County, Florida, to -wit, <br />Lots 9, to, 11, 12 and 13, Block B "Oslo Park", Unit #7, [4 <br />subdivision as recorded 3.n Plat Book 4, page 28, Racket <br />#73544. Public Records of Indian Sliver County, Florida, <br />and <br />WHEREAS_ it appears that no notice thereof is necessary <br />