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and that the rights of adjacent prties will not bc: affected flay t <br />said abindonment and that. the sai-ci eaaseaateznt is not regoired for public <br />use or publie porposas, <br />BE IT, s"iiRK.',FORE, RESOLVED by the of Ccenty C011a;ism <br />ti aars cit Rives G)unt.y, Florida, that the ten foot: public <br />aatility and drain-e casement on tEtc ):ear lczt linc:;a of the following <br />dc'scribe.d property, to-wlic <br />1.00 9, 10, II, 12 and 13, Block b "OaAo Farb", <br />a subdivision as recorded 1n PlaL Book 4, page 23, <br />Docket ata73544, Public. Records of l adion Rivar County, <br />Florida, <br />be and tlae same i5 hereby abandoned and all clolm oz- right cif <br />Lila pOAic acquired by daaaii ,a.1�icn or othei..vltaxa Iaa and to the seem <br />e=asesfaelm is rel inqui.5hod :and dit,claa rwa d< <br />;sic--, 'l antra appeared bQforo tste Board and gave .a report on <br />his disposal pLant UA lxuraa l'cark ;And izt.fitt.d the Commissioners to <br />come nisi. mid he would show thi,rtt t;t->w i, cpex.;ates. <br />John Could,; Attorne,v fro: Ro;,elond Road projejrt:, preseated as <br />dced and resolution for same. ilutiorl eaas a„a>.,ks by Convt isslone.r Maac.. <br />doaeald, saocondecl by Co:,missic>nnr WaId("Iell axtad un.araittaously carried, tlaaat: <br />the following [des€sluLiota b,,u adopted. <br />Resolut:ioo for SEX) No I.Ci.i.l <br />Sect tc,n 88602-201 <br />F,adiaau E . avec County <br />90$ei<aod Road <br />i t CT,U'r IiB N <br />WV'hR ,Zhe Stadia Ro..d bepa;ZLJneaac cit. Yiarlds ha,- e5t,lbiisli d <br />location for that: part of scotLe Road a-505, deziga"ted as Section '560oz <br />Job 201, between, Collier Creak arad the F. E. C; Railway in Roseland <br />and Proposes to Construct and nmlicxtain the same a5 s <br />part of :its Sec:enrsaary <br />ko:,d prasggrsam; anal, Whereas, IndicUt River County is vested with all r:iFlat <br />o :Vay required for said road; �Q <br />