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t,o t1 <br />,_-A t <br />AT MKC t %SG. <br />RESOLU71ON <br />j BY <br />i�Oi;nu � <br />CCiUIifY GOi'11Sy10N f� <br />COUN'rY COmmissioN <br />OUVAL COUgTY PLOP,IpA <br />DUVAL CbU'71'Y III ORIDA <br />Whereas, the Florida Inland Navigation District Commission has for the past <br />35 years worked diligently and successfully toward the construction of <br />an east coast waterway from Jacksonville to Miami having a width of <br />125 feet and a depth of 12 feet, and <br />Whereas, an intercoastal waterway has been constructed from the Florida State <br />Line on the north to Ft. Pierce on the south having a width of 125 feet and <br />a depth of 12 feet and from Ft. Pierce to Miami to a depth of 10 feet, and <br />Whereas, the Florida Inland Navibation District Commission has expressed its <br />intention to work diligently toward the securing of federal funds necessary <br />to construct the canal to a depth of 12 feet from Ft. Pierce to Miami, and <br />Whereas, because of its dedication : a its history of successful effort the <br />Florida Inland Navigation District Commission represents the greatest <br />potential for the early undertaking and completion of this most vital <br />inland waterways project, and <br />Whereas, the Florida Inland Navigation District Commission has cooperated with <br />all groups and agencies, both private and public, In promoting an integrated <br />system of waterways throughout Florida which has proven very beneficial <br />to Duval County in the past and which, upon completion of the Cross -Florida <br />_1_ <br />