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by tuo county, provided nowev#r, that Me (;ourity 4"'.rv** tiot to <br />grant arty other tran4hlxos rear r4rbawo collection sorvico, other <br />than to rollowinK named t+vraona, tirmA or aurv*rAtton. to-*It: <br />Andylo :;Knitstloll <br />C I 1 -4 %M it i t At t I rm <br />Unless arid Until a public hearltir, shall he held by the isoard or <br />County Comnianioners oirsuant to at, avoication ror a rranchlad <br />arid after notice, as provided b;r lAw, has been 'AWIt, WA the <br />County agreea that said applieW(ml shall not li'l approved If <br />any or all or the above naned poroons, firms or corporations <br />demonstrate to the t3ourd of Coutity Cormin3lonerz that P.Aid above <br />named persons, firms or corpornt.lonn art capabl�t or and a4zred to <br />provide the service which the applicant desires to render. <br />UCTION io <br />The Company, its successors and aaalma, snail have the <br />rilgnts and arid power to wie the streets, roada and <br />alleyways, and passageways of the Coutity of DiOlan River to <br />collect garbage ani trash. All collections of anytnlng shall be <br />made with the least practical delay and inconvenience to the <br />public or Individuala. <br />No obstructions may be placed by the �ompany or Its <br />successors In the streets, sidewalks, alleyway.,!, and Pasiat,,ewaYs <br />of the County without the consent or the Board. <br />'The Company shall be liable for all InJuries and Wma��V-1 <br />to peroons or property occasioned by any other wanner OV <br />collection than set out hereln or by carelessly ob3tructtriv <br />tae streets, highways, sidewalks, allayu, or public PUIcOs for <br />the al*oreaald jwrpoaes. <br />The Company onall, collvCL all j"h1'Ww'V mid trasn from <br />r <br />part,lo-,%rO, a avallitir tnemselveb of Ltiv use Of thv _. 1 0 -so VI" ,I <br />provided nerein wiliet'i iucu t,,arUa"'t' artu trash 31-e pur. [it a <br />and these :w; plaovd Ilk Uw s'c­'' <br />Prior 40 any or tne ooav,s <br />WAMP AND PAOU <br />uv;al"Ilat'lrjll of receptaclon or V, Lacement, or tatd <br />