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No, <br />WHMAS, the Corps of XnyJ,not,*rfk, it, ,rij,j, <br />Board of Conservation, in Appralmal BeVort on pavh C jj,i�t' <br />0 1 olo <br />in Florida, dated 0anuary, 111y;; <etsci <br />01 WIW.RF.A-',, Tablo 10 oil pis'le 34 of mai(i <br />River County was fourth lit priority .or atildy ()I, 11--h firoaiont And <br />WHEREAS, it is apparent to the Board of county Coilnissioners of <br />Indian River Cotinty that the lands lyinq ;jt t.ti, AtI,intic (Xean have <br />eroded invnensoiy over tile last forty (40) ;t1i(j, 01�lt In some areas <br />have eroded as much as forty (40) feet from records that we have acquired, - <br />and <br />WHEREAS, in order to plan for the proper developg,,iCnt ()f the Cocjrtty' <br />it is necessary that a study be made as 3tiggested by the Corps of <br />Engineers and the Florida Board of Conservation of Beach Erosion, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED by the Board Of' County COMmis0loner'i <br />of Indian River County Florida, In regular session, this tile 21st. day <br />of September, A. D. 1966, that they do earnestly request that the Vilited <br />States Congress do appropriate the monies necessary to have a beach <br />erosion study made in Indian River County of the entire area located <br />on the Atlantic ocean and do hereby request that the Honorable Edward <br />J. Gurney, the Honorable Spessard L. Holland, the Honorable George <br />A. Smatheru, and the Honorable Paul G. Ro�jvrs do their utmost In <br />this County receiving all appropriation for Uli.1; study. <br />HE IT FURTHER "SOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded <br />to the Honorable Edward a. Gurney, the HollorabIt. ,;pe, <br />s,,jar(l I_ Holland, <br />the Honorable George A. Smathers, ill(-, C. R0t4'1%c,, Litt, <br />Corps of Engineers and the Florida board of Conservat.1on. <br />728 <br />