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V that In the event that Paid property to not used for hospital <br />expausion purpose* within three; (3) years from the date of tha <br />dead that the title at the property ShM11 TIVOrt back tai WMAn <br />Ifiver County. <br />• <br />1, RALPH HARRM As Clark of t!W-tt Court and as Ex-Oftirig <br />Clark of the lv=:� iCounty at Indian River County. <br />Florida, do cortity the tore in to be a true copy at jasoluttaft <br />of said hoard adopted at Mtotins ,.r :IA on o*e*m4*r 1, 1966. <br />VIT-14t:, - my hand m otfict,ol seal at Vero $,aarh, plorld*, this <br />the <br />Now <br />