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TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT <br />There are several objectives identified in to the 1982 <br />Transportation Element: <br />1. Develop an effective traffic circulation system which <br />meets the existing and anticipated needs of county <br />residents. <br />2. Provide adequate safety standards in the design of new <br />and improved roadways. <br />3. insure the future roadway network is financially <br />feasible. <br />4. Coordinate the traffic circulation system with other <br />transportation modes such as bus, taxi, bikeways and <br />rail. <br />5. Provide for adequate flexibility in the design of new <br />street construction or improvements. <br />6. Coordinate development intensity with the carrying <br />capacity of the existing roadway. <br />7. Roadways will be constructed to minimize adverse impacts <br />on environmentally sensitive areas, as specified in the <br />Conservation and Coastal Zone Management Element, <br />8. Develop a transportation network which is in harmony <br />with the existing landscapes and natural amenities. <br />9. Promote and encourage citizen input into decisions <br />affecting the traffic circulation system. <br />10. All roadway improvements should be coordinated with <br />appropriate local, regional and state agencies. <br />Assessment <br />In an effort to develop an effective traffic circulation system, <br />Indian River County in 1985 adopted the Major Street and Highway <br />Program. In addition, a Traffic Circulation Plan and a 20 Year <br />Transportation Capital Improvement Program (TCIP) were adopted to <br />help meet the existing and anticipated needs of county residents. <br />Since the 1982 Plan, the county has constructed Indian River <br />Boulevard and Lindsey Road. <br />Financially, the county has adopted 5 Year and 20 Year <br />Transportation Capital Improvements Programs (TCIP) . The county <br />has adopted traffic impact fees, a six cent local option gas tax, <br />and a one cent local option sales tax. These programs will help <br />ensure that the future roadway network is financially feasible. <br />M <br />