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• <br />• <br />•f <br />CONSERVATION AND COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT ELEMENT. <br />The objectives for the Conservation and Coastal Zone Management <br />Element of the 1982 Comprehensive Plan include: <br />1. Maintain air quality at safe levels. <br />2. Protect; groundwater systems from development impacts and <br />implement water use practices that insure the continued <br />supply of potable water for urban uses. <br />3. Maintain and improve the water quality in the county's <br />rivers, lakes and wetland systems. <br />4. Preserve the native fauna and flora. <br />5. Develop a coordinated program to recognize and preserve <br />scenic routes and historic sites. <br />6. Protect the social, economic and environmental <br />attributes of the Coastal system. <br />` Assessment <br />Safe air quality levels in Indian River County have been <br />maintained through the review of potential stationary air <br />pollutant sources at the time of development proposals in <br />coordination with the Department of Health and Rehabilitation <br />Services and the Public Health unit. <br />Presently, there is a sufficient supply of potable water for urban <br />use. Expansion of public water service has occurred with <br />establishment of the regional RO Plan which uses the Floridan <br />aquifer as its source of water. The stormwater management <br />ordinance further controls usage and treatment of potable water <br />through stormwater retention and detention requirements. This <br />results in filtration of the first inch of stormwater, thereby <br />enhancing shallow aquifer quality and quantity. The revision of <br />the excavation and mining ordinance to protect the coastal <br />sandridge up to the 25' foot contour was effected by the county in <br />1988 and constitutes another means of protecting potable water <br />supplies. <br />Many steps have been taken since the 1982 plan to maintain and <br />improve the water quality in the county's rivers, lakes and <br />wetland systems. Indian River County has coordinated with <br />jurisdictional agencies for development reviews. The county site <br />plan ordinance has helped in wetland protection through the <br />transfer of development rights. The county has established <br />littoral zone and water quality standards for created waterbodies. <br />The 1990 plan will expand upon required standards of water quality <br />and will include measures to improve and protect such areas as the <br />Sebastian River, Indian River Lagoon and various isolated <br />wetlands. <br />12 <br />