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41�1 <br />(kk) Plaintiff Guy M. l'unnell is the duly elected and serving Sheriff of Bay <br />County. He is a resident and taxpayer of Bay County, <br />(11) Plaintiff Jim McMillan is die duly elected and serving Sheriff of Duval <br />County. He is a resident and taxpayer of Duval County. <br />(mm) Plaintiff W. A. Woodlutm is the duly elected and serving Sheriff of <br />Gadsden County. He is a resident and taxpayer of Gadsden County. <br />(nn) Plointiff L J. "Lu" Hindery is the duly elected and serving Sheriff of <br />Alachua County. Ho is a resident tmd uotpayetr of Alachua County, <br />(00) plainciff Wall Gallagher is the duly elected and serving Sheriff Of OW-ge <br />County. He is a resident and taxpayer of Orange County. <br />(pp; phds ;ciff S&n-dny Wo <br />odall is the duly appointed and serving Sheriff Of <br />Dixie County. He is a resident and taxpayer of Nxic County. <br />(qq) Plaintiff Nick Navarro is the duly elected and scMnii Shaiffof,Uroward <br />County. He is a resident and taxpayer of [froward County. <br />(ff) pfa miff lUmss S. "Tom" Trarnel. III is the duly elected and serving <br />Sheriff of Columt aCounty. He is a resident and taxpayer of Columbia County. <br />(ss) Plaintiff James D. Holt, is the duly4,kapd4wd serving Sheriff of Martin <br />County. He is a re.;dcnt and taxpayer of Martin County. <br />(tt) Plaintiff Robert C. Knowles is the duly elected and serving Shviff of SL <br />Lucie County. He is a resident and taxpayer of St. Lucie County. <br />(uu) Plaintiff R. T. "'rim" Dob,-ck is the duly elected and serving Sheriff of <br />Indian River County. lie is a resident and taxpayer of Indian River County. <br />(vv) Plaintiff Everett Rice is the duly elected and serving Sheriff of Pinellas <br />County. lie is a resident and taxpayer of Pinellas County. <br />(ww) Plaintiff john E. Polk is the duly elected and serving Sheriff of Seminole <br />County. He is a resident and taxpayer of Seminole County- <br />(xx) Plaintiff Richard Worch is the duly elected and serving Sheriff of Charlotte <br />County. 111r, is a resident and taxpayer of Charlotte County. <br />(yy) Plaintiff Toni Mylander is the duly elected and serving Sheriff of I lemando <br />County. lie is a resident and taxpayer of Hernando County. <br />(zz) Plaintiff lint Gillum is the duly elected and sewing Sheriff of Pasco <br />County. He is a resident and taxpayer of Pasco County. <br />(ata) Plaintiff Charlie Johnson is the duly elected and serving Sheriff of <br />Escambia County, lie is a resident and taxpayer of I'scarribia County. <br />I] <br />