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ROOK 96 �" <br />Chairman Macht asked if anyone wished to be heard before the <br />Board adjourned. <br />Mark Tripson, 50 12th Street, noted that the Board did a good <br />job last year when they cut the budget. He felt that the Board <br />should have cut some more this year, however. <br />Chairman Macht believed that we still are under what we were <br />in 1993-94. <br />Fred Mensing of Roseland spoke regarding the SWDD budget. He <br />felt it is time the Board took a hard look at costs. He suggested <br />compacting at the transfer stations to reduce costs and eliminate <br />trips. He felt it is time for the Board to direct staff to bring <br />forth options and cost projections. Mr. Mensing believed that <br />curb -side recycling in the north county would be too expensive for <br />the benefits derived. <br />Chairman Macht noted that we are seriously considering having <br />an outside firm intercept the recyclable materials and turn them <br />into marketable products. This would have two benefits; it would <br />increase the life of the Landfill and put in place a tax paying <br />organization. <br />ANNOUNCEMENT <br />Administrator Chandler announced that the SWDD assessment <br />appeals hearing scheduled for September 21, 1995 has been cancelled <br />as all petitions have been withdrawn. <br />There being no further business, on Motion duly made, seconded <br />and carried, the Board adjourned at 5:50 p.m. <br />ATTEST: <br />Barton, Clerk <br />Minutes approved <br />September 14, 1995 <br />Kenneth R. Macht, Chairman <br />38 <br />