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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Final February 1, 2022 <br />Alphabetical Order) of Chapter 901 (Definitions) and Section 911.06 (Agricultural <br />and Rural Districts) of Chapter 911 (Zoning) of the Code of Indian River County in <br />order to allow solar facilities as a permitted use per state statute; providing for <br />conflict and severability; providing for codification; and providing for an effective <br />date. The motion carried by the following vote: <br />Aye: 5- Chairman O'Bryan, Vice Chairman Earman, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner <br />Flescher, and Commissioner Moss <br />B. PUBLIC DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />C. PUBLIC NOTICE ITEMS <br />11. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR MATTERS <br />12. DEPARTMENTAL MATTERS <br />A. Community Development <br />B. Emergency Services <br />C. General Services <br />D. Human Resources <br />E. Information Technology <br />F. Office of Management and Budget <br />12.F.1. 22-0075 2022/2023 Budget Workshop/Hearing Schedule <br />Recommended Action: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the Budget <br />Workshop dates and the date of the Budget Hearings for the 2022/2023 budgets <br />Attachments: Staff Report <br />Office of Management and Budget Director Kristin Daniels presented the <br />proposed 2022/2023 Budget Workshop/Hearing schedule: <br />Budget Packet Distribution to the Board of Commissioners Friday, July 8, 2022 <br />Scheduled Budget Workshop <br />Wednesday, July 13, 2022 and if needed, Thursday, July 14, 2022 <br />Public Hearing Tentative Budget and Proposed Millage Rates <br />Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 5:01 p.m. <br />Final Budget Hearing Adoption of Budget and Millage Rates <br />Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 5:01 p.m. <br />Indian River County Florida Page 11 <br />