<br />RUSOLUTION N). 67=JG
<br />V, II IS RHA , the Couvity AWitor, after tentatively aocertainin,4
<br />the proposed fiscal policlett of the board of County t,unimisaiuners of Indian
<br />River k:ounty, Florida, for the (local year coumienclag on the lot day of
<br />october. 1907, und ending on the 30th day of [�)W;' did prepare
<br />and present to the board of County C.owmissioners a tentative budget for said
<br />fiscal year for each of the funds therein as provided b5 law, Including all
<br />Q3tj1j1atCd 17=1146, tUX09 tO k1C ICNicd and balwices oxpectod to i.,c. brought
<br />-os, reserveo and balances to �c curried
<br />forth and all estfinated expenditut
<br />over at the end of the year; and,
<br />WIIL, 'IW
<br />'AS, ths ward (lid r.�cetve and examine said tentative
<br />budget for each fund and (.lid requiro -7uch to be made as the board did
<br />deers necessary and the auditora estimate of receipts other than taxes and of
<br />balances to be brought forward riot haviTi,-,-- been revised, thL, J..oard did pre-
<br />pare a statement suimaarizing all of die mitative. budgets showing for each
<br />budget in the total of ail budgets the pcopused tax naillages, the balances, the
<br />reserves and the total of each major classification of receipts and expendi-
<br />tures classified accovdinj; to the classification of accounts prescribed by the
<br />(_;Ojnptroller of t1lo State of Florida, and,
<br />V, I 111`1114AS, thifi board did cause said sumuaary statement to be
<br />advertised one time in a newspaper of general circulation publtahed in Indian
<br />River county, Florida, to -wit: In the itisne of August 17 , LI)67, of tila Vej'�o
<br />beach Press journal, as will inure fully appear I-ov proof of publication thereof
<br />filed in the minutes of this board,, and,
<br />WHERVAS, this board did inset at the tinie and place stated in
<br />said advertise n,jent for the purpone of heitriwrequests and complaints from
<br />the ptlbile regardia„ thf-, budgyets and for the purpose of holdtn,, a public hearing
<br />and making whatever xeviallowu In the budet It may dtwnt necessary, and all
<br />of the sanle haviw,' 11 4e ivwj completed; Now, therefore.,
<br />i,.L.' IT ed,-,'OLVIA) by tile i,WV(J of ""ountv ""ollinlissioners oj
<br />Indian Kiver County, U_lueida, that this I oard docs hotowith tentatively adk'�,�t
<br />the budge is for the fuct& 0; thl" Ward for Mfiscal year bv"riluling Ulctobcc, 1,
<br />Smith, Healh, Smith & O'Haire, Attorneys At Law, Vero Beach, Florida
<br />