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26. At least 30 days prior to the Event Date, Apr l icant is utl . siibtnit frocf c; f application for a "Special <br />Events & Tent Sales Inspection Permit" from the 'ndia.n R.irer County Fire Prevention Bureau <br />pursuant to Florida Fire Prevention Code: NF -?,A 1. Chapur 2:)', 101 & 102 and IRC <br />Ordinance Section 208.11. <br />27. All of the Applicant's subcontractors shall have a ll o;* tie r:ece 3sary I,.c:: !, st<ctc. and federal licenses <br />for the services provided at the Event. <br />28. All deadlines falling on a weekend or holiday, shall I c: acc elerated to i fim pro • bu,;iness day. <br />29. Any notice, request, instruction, demand, consent o:- othor cornin mi:.<t_ion r..quired or permitted <br />to be given under this License Agreement shall b,, ir. w •itin, an I sha 1 b-; liven in writing and <br />delivered by email or US Mail, Certified — Return ;Z-ct ipt Reques.e l to ;h,- -Nlowing: <br />Scott Knauer <br />Indian River County <br />Parks and Recreation <br />5500 77th Street <br />Vero Beach, FL 32967 <br />Email: <br />Applicant: <br />Mike Strickland, Latitude -88, Inc. <br />4605 Paladin Circle <br />Vero Beach, FL 32967 <br />Email: <br />30. Applicant acknowledges that the County maces no gw rartees to iA pp is mt. e�.press or implied, as <br />to any pecuniary gain that Applicant may have i,iterdol t) resell frc ni tie I?Nent. <br />31. The recitals and WHEREAS clauses are true. acca:•a;; -nd ror-ect an -I are hereby incorporated <br />herein by this reference. <br />32. Services Provided by the County: <br />(a) County reserves the right to determine the a,Ivjuacy of ottsi(k.� s,.rvices procured by the <br />Application under Section B as a cond i:ior. o`` t h,; Pormit. <br />Fairgrounds License Agreement Page 11 of 12 <br />Initials MS 04/12-12022 <br />Dat <br />