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�G <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM <br />Parks & Recreation —Conservation Resources / <br />Department of General Services <br />Date: February 28, 2022 <br />To: Jason E. Brown, County Administrator <br />Thru: Michael C. Zito, Assistant County Administrator <br />Devin Virwin, Director Parks & Recreation <br />From: Beth Powell, Asst. Director Parks & Conservation Resources <br />Subject: Informational Update Regarding the Lost Tree Islands Conservation Area <br />Restoration/Enhancement Plan <br />DESRIPTIONS AND CONDITIONS <br />The LTICA was purchased in 2003 with funds from the Florida Communities Trust and the <br />County's environmental lands bond referendum with additional funding assistance provided by the <br />City of Vero Beach and the Town of Indian River Shores (2002). The 508 -acre site is located in the <br />Central Indian River Lagoon (IRL) approximately 0.75 miles north of the SR 60 boat launch on the <br />barrier island. The LTICA is the second largest publicly -owned island system that is protected in <br />Indian River County, and includes more than 10 miles of shoreline habitat. The LTICA ecological <br />enhancement project will be the largest lagoon -based enhancement project undertaken by Indian <br />River County providing water quality benefits, habitat for native wildlife species, and opportunities <br />for public passive recreation and environmental education. <br />On October 15, 2019, the Board authorized the Chairman to execute a Cost -Share Agreement with <br />the Indian River Lagoon Council (IRLC) for the purposes of completing the design and engineering <br />plans for the restoration of the three outer islands at Lost Tree Islands Conservation Area (LTICA). <br />Subsequently, on March 10, 2020, the Board approved an Agreement with Carter Associates, Inc. <br />to provide design and engineering services for the project. Since that time, two additional grant <br />applications have been submitted for funding with the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary <br />Program and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's Coastal Partnership Initiative <br />to further the enhancement and restoration objectives of the site. A public meeting was held on <br />October 27, 2021, at the Indian River County iG Recreation Center where approximately 60 <br />members of the public attended to provide comment and learn more about the efforts to enhance <br />the three large outer islands within the LTICA complex. <br />To date, County staff and the design engineer have completed the draft design and engineering <br />plans for the enhancement of the three outer islands consistent with the IRLC grant funding and <br />4 <br />