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03/15/2022 Item S.E. <br />Indian River County is in process of design and permitting for <br />restoration of the Lost Tree Islands Conservation Area (LTK-'A'% The <br />County has been conducting meetings throughout this process o solicit <br />input on the project from stakeholders, regulatory agencies, N ;O's and <br />other environmental organizations. This valuable feedback has been <br />incorporated into the design of this unique project. <br />Our presentation will provide you with background information on the <br />Indian River Lagoon, and the challenges that our commur ity faces in <br />working towards improving Lagoon water quality and corresponding <br />habitats. We will discuss- background on the Lost Tree Islands <br />Conservation Area; specifically information on current restoration <br />planning. We will conclude with t'me for questions and any feedback <br />you would like to provide. <br />1 <br />