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Vrodamation <br />HONORING GLORIA SMITH ON HER RETIREMENT <br />FROM THE INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />CLERK OF COURT AND COMPTROLLER <br />WITH 40 YEARS OF SERVICE <br />Mereac Gloria Smith will retire from the Indian River County Clerk of Court and <br />Comptroller's Office on March 31, 2022; and <br />VbereaO, Gloria has been continuously employed with the Clerk's Office since February 8, <br />1982, serving as its bookkeeper for the majority of 40 years and maintaining the integrity of the <br />financial records for the Clerk such that the Office has not had one comment from the External <br />Auditors during that time; and <br />VbMaig, Gloria has served under four Clerks including Jeffrey R. Smith, Jeffrey K. Barton, <br />Mary Louise Scheidt, and Freda Wright during her 40 years of service; and <br />Vberea%, Gloria consistently received many marks of Exceeds Expectations, Very Effective, <br />and Outstanding on her Performance Appraisals during her tenure with the Clerk's Office; and <br />Wberen, Gloria received many letters of praise and compliments from members of the public <br />over the course of her long career; and <br />Ifteren, Gloria was named Employee of the Second Quarter in 2017; and <br />lftreaO, Gloria consistently contributed to the Clerk's Office's mission to help the community <br />through its Good Works program by joining the Clerk's Team for countless community walks and United <br />Way Days of Caring; and <br />Vberea0, Gloria has been praised by Clerk of Court and Comptroller Jeffrey R. Smith, who <br />stated that "Gloria will not only be missed by her coworkers, but also by me. Her hard work and <br />dedication to the Clerk's Office for the last 40 years is greatly appreciated. I wish her a long and happy <br />retirement!" <br />-eoW, Therefore, be it Vrodaimeb by Up 36oarb of QCountp Commimgiouero of lubiau <br />Aiber QCountp, ,110riba that the Board applauds Gloria Smith's efforts on behalf of the Clerk's <br />Office, expresses its sincere appreciation for her devoted service that she has given to Indian River <br />County for the last 40 years, and extends heart-elt wishes for success in her future endeavors, as <br />well as a happy retirement! <br />Adopted this 15th day of March, 2022. <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />Peter D. O'Bryan, ChaiVan <br />