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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />J.R. SMITH, CLERK <br />in the annual payment amount, which must be directly related to providing ARFF services under this <br />Agreement. Any proposed increase is limited to a maximum of fifteen percent (15%) of the prior year's <br />total annual amount. Proposed increases shall be effective only upon the execution of an addendum to <br />the Agreement that is signed by both parties. In the event the parties are unable to agree upon a proposed <br />increase, City agrees to pay District the amount paid for the previous year. <br />ARTICLE 4 <br />ARFF_ VEHICLES: MINIMUM OBLIGATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES <br />The District shall provide the City, and the City shall accept from the District, certified <br />firefighting personnel as necessary to meet the requirements of Federal Aviation Regulations, Part 139 <br />as provided herein, at the Airport: <br />Section 4.1. ARFF Vehicles. <br />(a) PURCHASING/OWNERSHIP: The vehicles dedicated to ARFF duties, hereinafter <br />"Vehicles," shall be purchased by City and shall be provided to District for the purpose of complying <br />with the Terms of this Agreement. Title to and ownership of Vehicles shall remain with City. Fuel for <br />Vehicle shall be purchased by City. Unless expressly directed in writing by the Airport Director, or <br />designee, Vehicles' sole purpose shall be the performance of ARFF services at the Airport. Vehicles <br />may also be used for periodic ARFF training, and equipment testing and servicing. <br />The City, in consultation with the District, will determine when replacement Vehicles or <br />additional Vehicles are needed, and will coordinate to determine the type of Vehicles and associated <br />equipment to be purchased. <br />In the event of the temporary unavailability of any Vehicles, the City shall be responsible for <br />ensuring that a temporary replacement Vehicle is available. In the event that that there is a change in <br />ARFF Index under Part 139 as determined by the City, the City shall be responsible for any additional <br />Page 6 of 15 <br />