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F773 <br />EM <br />DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR USE OF SECONDARY ROAD FUNDS FOR <br />1968-69. <br />PRIORITY <br />NUMBER DESCRIPTION <br />I Section No. 88, County wide preliminary and construction engi- <br />neering <br />2 Right of way for primary and secondary roads in the County <br />3 Flasher type school zone speed limit signs <br />4 Widening and reconstruction of State Road 607, Section 88570 <br />(Emerson Avenue) from the South Relief Canal to State Road 60 <br />5 Widen and reconstruct State Road 611, Section 88520 (Clernanns <br />Avenue) from State Road 60 to Citrus Road <br />6 Construct municipal section 16tb Street in the City of Vero Beach <br />from 20th Avenue to State Road (A)5 (Old Dixie Ifighway) <br />7 Widen and reconstruct State Road 611, Scetion 88520 (Clemanns <br />Avenue) from Walker Avenue to South Gifford Road <br />8 Widen and reconstruct Citrus Road (4th Street) from State Road <br />S-505 A (King's Highway) to State [toad S-611 (Clernanns Avenue) <br />9 Widen and reconstruct State Road 510, Section 885101603 <br />(Wabasso Road) from State [load 512 South and East approximately <br />1. 78 miles <br />BE IT FU11THER RESOLVED Iliat the methods and standards em- <br />ployed by the State [toad DeparUnCut for determination of major improvement <br />features, including the specific alignment, the types and widths of pavement, <br />and the l,,X-,partment's standard specifications for construction are concurred <br />in and approved by this Board. It in requested: 'I'liat the Departalent will con- <br />sider the projects in the order listed above Insofar as practicable, but not to <br />the extent of retarding the whole program; that the termini of the projects is <br />described in the resolution and shown on the accompanying map, rather than <br />any estimate of funds therefor, shall, control the Department's allocation of <br />funds; that this resolution shall remain In effect throughout the year; and that <br />after the current year the recommendation of this resolution shall Constitute a <br />continuing improvement program for the County, unless changed by a subse- <br />quent annual rCSOILIti011. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secondary F.T.A.C. Bond <br />Program heretofore established by resolution of this Board be reaffirmed and <br />reestablished for the fiscal year 1968-69. <br />Smith, Heath, Smith & O'Halre, Attorneys At Law, Vero Beach, Florida <br />