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RLSOLUTION NO. 08 98 <br />- <br />The board of (,ounty Coniii,issiuners of Indian River Comity, <br />Florida, resolves; <br />1. That this I,oard did adopt a Resolution on July 3, 1963, where, <br />• in this Ward did request the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund of the <br />otatc of Florida "to dedicate In perpetuity to the people of Indian River County, <br />Florida, and to the Ward of County �.-ornrnissictners ... a body of land and <br />water c -ntaWng 476U acres, more or less" and purauunt to that Resolution, <br />the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund did on July 10, 1963, adopt a <br />motion "for perpetual dedication of an estimated 4�—. 56 acres couiprisJ118 the <br />seven islands, the northernmost being the Turtle Pen Slough and the southern- <br />most being Preachers Island, together with the open water areas or sloughs <br />In the largest island of the group, under supervision of the board of (-,uunty <br />Commissioners with authority for said Lourd to arrange for such assistance <br />by state agencies as might be desirable and practicable in administering the <br />dedication for wildlife refuge purposes and with the right for the county to <br />enter into agreements, approved by the Trustees, for administration on a <br />year to year basis by the U. .3. Fish and 'ti, Ildlife ,acrvice and/or Flortda <br />Audubon .,ucluty or other conservation agunclea or organizations, the dedica- <br />tion to be subject to the current lease to I, Iurlda Audubon ;,ociet) which would <br />expire November 1. i9w. " <br />2- That a public hearing was held by Robert G. Parker, Olrector, <br />Trustees of the internal Improvement Fund of the State of Florida, In the <br />Indian River County Gourthouse on March 29, 1968, on behalf of said Trustees <br />concerning application of the bureau of Sporta I, isherles and V. Ildlife of the <br />U. S. Fish and N'-Ildlife Service, a division of the United rotates Department of <br />the Interior, for the enlargement of Pelican Island V Ildlife Refuge to Include <br />all state owned submerged lands and mangrove islands located within an area <br />described in the notice of public hearing, containing sorne 4760 acres, at <br />which said public hearing this board did endorse the application of that bureau, <br />Smith, Heath, Smith & O'Haire, Attorneys At Law, P. O. Box 518, Vero Beach, Florida 32960 <br />