R P S O L U T ION NO, 68 - 42
<br />DE IT RESOUBD by the Indian j0vor County
<br />Agricultural Zoning Board:
<br />1 1, That this Board has from time to time con-
<br />vened to consider returns made an provided by Section 193.201,
<br />Florida Statutes, which are applications for zoning of lanf w,
<br />as agricultural lands tinder the provisions of that law. Th,,V:
<br />each such return and application when f ilad at any time
<br />cluent to January I and prior to this date has been given ia
<br />number from I to 1116, inclusive, which includes all of nuch
<br />returns requesting zoning an agricultural lands for the
<br />196P and all of such returns with the identifying number Pr -
<br />hole and retained by this Board as a part of its public rPcr.,!.-ea
<br />and aach such return describes the lands, identifies the owner
<br />of the lands and reference to each such return to hereby r—e
<br />as fully and completely an If incorporated heroin,
<br />2. That after rocelpt of such returns and o,,:
<br />time to time an shown by the minutes of the Doard of- County
<br />Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, this Bcard did
<br />convene and consider such returns to determine whether or not
<br />the lands described in said returns are used primarily for bona
<br />fide agricultural purposes and an to certain returns, thirr-Board
<br />did request further information and W11401A such additional inform-
<br />ation was received, this Board has further considered the ret-rn.
<br />with such additional information and the time for filing return -
<br />having expired.
<br />3. That this Board does herewith find and dot^r-
<br />mine that all of the lands described in the Indian River Cot—t•
<br />Requests for Agricultural zoning, numbers I to 1116,
<br />with the exception of numbers 14,53.59,115,123,166,187,21ty,,,"I
<br />273,275,276,291,292,360,366,506,507 and 1109, were on January
<br />1,960, used primarily for agricultural purposes and al,j or
<br />lands are hereby zoned agricultural lands tinder the pyov�,s4oljs
<br />of Section 193.201, Florida Statutes,
<br />4. That this Board does horewith,43idlind dpi-
<br />mine that all of the lands, 9cribnd in return.,) numbers 14, 53,
<br />