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RESOLUTION NO. 68- 45 <br />WHEREAS, at least fifteen (15) days notice has bec!11 given by <br />publication in a newspaper published in Indian River County, Morita, as will <br />more fully appear by proof of publication of such notice made by the publisher <br />of the Vero Beach Press journal and recorded in the minutes of the Board of <br />'I County Commissioners of that county of the completion of the assessment <br />rolls of Indian River County, Florida, for the year 1968 and that the County <br />Assessor of Taxes of said county would meet with the Board of County Com- <br />-it 8:30 o'clock A. M. , and would at <br />missioners on the Ist day of July, 1968, , <br />that time present the tax assessment roll of said county for the purpose of <br />hearing complaints and receiving testimony its to the value of any property, <br />real or personal, as fixed by the County Assessor of Taxes and of perfecting, <br />reviewing and equalizing the assessment; and, <br />WHEREAS, at the time and place specified in the notice, the County <br />Tax Assessor did meet with the Board of County Commissioners and said <br />board did then deem it necessary to and did extend tile time for the completion <br />of said assessment roll and for the purpose of reviewing and equalizing the <br />assessments toThursday, July 25, lg()8, at the hour of 8:30 o'clock A. M. , <br />to which the first meeting was adjourned after publication of notice at least <br />fifteen (15) days before the adjourned nicering, as will more fully appear by <br />proof of publication of such notice made by tile publisher of the Vert) Beach <br />Press journal and recorded in the minutes of said board, and said meeting did <br />thereafter continue with adjournments from time to time to time: to time until <br />this meeting; and, <br />WHEREAS, tile Board of County Commissioners has received all <br />complaints and testimony offered and has exatnim d and reviewed said assess- <br />ment <br />ssess-ment roll and has found it unnecessary to Increase the valuation of any prop- <br />erty shown thereon and has found such assessment roll to he correct and the <br />Clerk of said board has made and kept a public record of the individual yeas <br />and nays of each member of tile board voting on each final decision resulting <br />from such equalization hearing; Now, therefore, <br />Smith. Heath, Smith & O'Haire, Attorneys At Law, P. O. Box 518, Vero Beach, Florida 32960 <br />