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r, <br />RESOLUTION NO. 68- 56 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida, resolves: <br />1. That on September 11, 1968, The Moorings.)evelopment <br />�-ompany filed a petition with this hoard requestin., this hoard to renounce and <br />disclain, any right of the county and the public in and to all land or Interest j <br />I <br />therein acquired by dedication for street, alleyway, road or highway purposes <br />delineated and shown as Floralton Goulevard upon the flat showing property of <br />Col. Joseph V . N', alton in c;ectluns 2t, ., ..7 and .8 in Township 33 South, <br />Range 40 East, Indian River i;ounty, Piorida, recorded in Plat Book 3, page <br />30, In the office of the GlerK of the Circuit Court of said County, none of <br />which now constitutes or was acquired fol a state or federal highway and none <br />of which is located within the limits of any incorporated municipality. <br />2. That at said tine this board did adopt a resolution declarin,; <br />that a public hearing would be held to consider the advisability of granting the <br />request made in said petition and of exerclsin the authority -ranted by Section <br />336.09, Florida Statutes, and that such public hearing would be held in the <br />County Commissioners' Room, Indian River County Courthouse, Vero Beach, <br />Florida, at 9:00 o'cloc . A. Ni. on September 6, 1968. <br />3. That this board did publish notice thereof one time on leptenter <br />1-1, 1968, in the Vero l=each Press Journal, a of general circulation <br />in said county, said pul:lication Lein.; at least two weeks prior to the date <br />s, fated therein for such public hearin;, as will u.ore fully appear by proof of <br />'publication thereof filed in the minutes of this meeting. <br />4. That said street, alleyway, road or highway as shown and <br />delineated on the above plat designated Floralton I;oulevard is not located <br />within the limits of any incorporated umnicipality, was not acquired for nor <br />now or heretofore used for a state or federal hi„ hway. <br />5. That at the tiwe and place stated, this hoard did hold the adver- <br />Used public hearing and all persons interested were heard. <br />6. The board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida, does herewith renounce and disclaim any right of the county and the <br />Smith, Heath, Smith & O'Haire, Attorneys At Lave, P. O. Box 518, Vero Beach, Florida 32960 <br />