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Upon a Motion made by conunissioner Macdonald, seconded by <br />Commissioner Graves the following Resolution was unanimously <br />dopted: RESOLUTION NO. 68- 54 <br />'Fhe Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida <br />resolves: <br />That The Moorings Development Company has filed its petition with <br />this Board requesting chat this Board renounce and disclaim any right of the <br />county and the public in and to all land or interest therein acquired by dedi- <br />i cation for street, alleyway, road or highway purposes delineated and shown <br />as Floralton Boulevard upon the I'lat showing property of Col. Joseph W. <br />Walton In Sections 21, 22, 27 and 28 In Township 33 South, Range 40 East, <br />Indian River County, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 3, page 30, in the office <br />ii of the Clork of the Circuit Court of said County, none of which now constitutes;' <br />or was acquired for a state or federal highway and none of which is located <br />I within the limits of any incorporated municipality. This Board does herewith <br />declare that a public hearing will be held to consider the advisability of <br />P granting the petition and exereiqing the authority granted by Section 336,09, <br />Florida Statutes. Notice shall be published of such a public hearing to be <br />held in the County Commissioners' Room, Indian River County Courthouse, <br />Vero Beach, Florida, on September 26, 1908, at 9:00 o'clock A, M. Persons <br />Interested may appear and he heard at that time. <br />Smith, Heath, Smith & O'Haire, Attorneys At Low, P. O. Box 518, Vero Beach, Florida 32960 <br />