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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Draft March 8, 2022 <br />Attachments: Staff Report <br />Yates -Order Imposing Fine - Case No. 2018020108 <br />Palmer - Order Imposing Fine - Case No. 2017080035 <br />Family Dollar - Order Imposing Fine - Case No. 2017040072 <br />Assistant County Attorney Susan Prado asked the Board for their consideration to <br />move forward with the foreclosure proceedings on the following Code Enforcement <br />case number, 2018020108 (Yates). Assistant County Attorney Prado presented <br />evidence on non -homestead properties of which there was a Code Enforcement lien <br />recorded longer than three (3) months, and the required corrective action had not <br />been taken as ordered. Assistant County Attorney Prado gave a brief history and <br />noted the foreclosure was based on a Code Enforcement Board (CEB) order from <br />2018, including liens from a 2018 Environmental Control Hearing Board (ECRB) <br />order. <br />Ms. Dallasteen Yates, the representative for the Estate of Dallas and Jane Yates, <br />stated she had retained new probate counsel, Attorney Fran Ross, who was unable <br />to attend. Ms. Yates told the Board that as of last week she had been able to bring <br />the properties into compliance. All of the buildings were boarded up, and the <br />grounds had been cleaned. She indicated she had sent pictures to the County <br />showing the condition of the properties. Ms. Yates stated the structure on the <br />property that burned in November 2021 was in the permitting process to be <br />demolished. She also informed the board she was in a position to pay the liens and <br />negotiate the fines on the Wabasso property. Ms. Yates mentioned the County had <br />been approached by the Title Company in February 2022, to request a partial <br />release of the lien in order to sell a separate piece of property in the estate. She <br />stated the request was denied by Staff. <br />Chairman O'Bryan sought confirmation from Assistant County Attorney Prado that <br />the property had come into compliance. Assistant County Attorney Prado responded <br />she could not confirm the property was in compliance, stating that neither the <br />Attorney's Office nor Code Enforcement had received any documentation from Ms. <br />Yates. In response to a question by Chairman O'Bryan, Ms. Yates stated she was <br />in the process of obtaining a permit to demolish the burned building. <br />County Attorney Dylan Reingold disclosed to Ms. Yates that Attorney Fran Ross <br />had reached out to Assistant County Attorney Prado and asked to speak to the <br />County Attorney; he confirmed he had left her a message on Tuesday, March 5th. <br />A discussion ensued between Commissioner Joe Earman and Assistant County <br />Attorney Prado in regard to the three (3) properties in violation, including the septic <br />tanks which had to be abandoned and the tenants who had to leave due to <br />unsanitary conditions. Commissioner Earman commented he appreciated Ms. <br />Yates' efforts to clean up the property and was willing to give Ms. Yates a 30 -day <br />extension if it would help get the property in compliance. <br />Indian River County Florida Page 11 <br />